
Damning Israel: ‘Make The Unjust, Just, the Illegal, Legal’

Damning Israel: ‘Make The Unjust, Just, the Illegal, Legal’

MONDOWEISS: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine has concluded and issued its preliminary findings. It makes for very uncomfortable reading particularly for the U.S.

 Editor, MEP

Netanyahu Calls Early Elections

VIDEO: Netanyahu says budget dispute with partners forced the decision. Many, however think the Israeli PM is using a moment of popularity to secure another term in office.

 James M. Dorsey

Defensive Blunder: Hamas’ Football Boycott Call

Defensive Blunder: Hamas’ Football Boycott Call

JAMES M. DORSEY: Palestinians of all ages are huge fans of the Spanish football giants Barcelona FC. When Hamas called for a boycott of their match this week it fell on deaf ears.

 Jonathan Cook

Israel Opens New Front To Thwart Palestinian State

Israel Opens New Front To Thwart Palestinian State

JONATHAN COOK: A campaign initiated in 2009 now appears to be gathering strength namely equation of Palestinians with Jews who fled Arab countries.

 Common Ground News Service

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

DAHLIA SCHIENDLIN, CGNEWS: It was the people rather than the politics that first attracted me to Pakistan. We have a lot in common.

 Juan Cole

A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney

A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney

JUAN COLE: The Presidential candidate appears to be entirely clueless about the recent history of US involvement in the region. Heres’ some help.


‘A Bit Dangerous?’: My Plan to Meet Drone Victims

‘A Bit Dangerous?’: My Plan to Meet Drone Victims

PAM BAILEY, MONDOWEISS: When I inform my friends that I’m heading to Waziristan to find out about the reality of drone attacks they’re rather concerned

 Rob L. Wagner

Hate Ad Spray Can Protest: ‘It’s All About Mona’

Hate Ad Spray Can Protest: ‘It’s All About Mona’

ROB L. WAGNER: She seems to specialise in self-aggrandizing stunts that diminish the message and provide fodder for anti-Muslim parodies.


Forget the Debates: Let’s Just Play ‘Survivor’

Forget the Debates: Let’s Just Play ‘Survivor’

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The format is stale, it’s all so controlled and choreographed that very little of substance will be revealed. So why bother?

 Richard Silverstein

Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”

Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…

 Mich Cafe

Subway Ad: So Who’s ‘Civilised’ and Who’s ‘Savage’?

Subway Ad: So Who’s ‘Civilised’ and Who’s ‘Savage’?

MICH CAFE: The ‘Battle to Offend’ seems to be getting more intense by the day. More fuel will be thrown on the fire with the appearance of a U.S ad campaign

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Consequences of Today’s Regional Turmoil

Top Ten Consequences of Today’s Regional Turmoil

JUAN COLE: ‘A collapse in tourism’, ‘improvement in Barack Obama’s election chances’ – two of the the most significant predicted outcomes of the crises enveloping the Middle East

 mai abdul rahman

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

 Richard Silverstein

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Previous presidents would make sure, for the sake of their own prestige and stature, that they put such chutzpah in its place. Not this president.


It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?

 Editor, MEP

U.S. Rejects Netanyahu Request for Meeting

VIDEO: The White House has reportedly rejected a request by Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to meet President Barack Obama. A snub?

 Steve Royston

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.


Is Rachel Corrie the ‘Anne Frank’ Of Our Time?

Is Rachel Corrie the ‘Anne Frank’ Of Our Time?

JENNIFER LOEWENSTEIN, MONDOWEISS: Both individuals wrote diaries about their experience of oppression. Only one, however, is globally celebrated.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Cooking For Peace’: Discovering Shared Values

DAVID AMITAI, CGNEWS: In the fevered environment that exists between Palestinians and Jews finding ways to encourage dialogue requires creativity.

 Rob L. Wagner

The ‘Culture of Terror’ That Spawns Racist Children

The ‘Culture of Terror’ That Spawns Racist Children

ROB L. WAGNER: Israeli violent actions are deemed to produce ‘soul-searching’ while Palestinians are simply ‘mindless thugs’. This attitude poisons hearts and minds.

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