
 Common Ground News Service

High-Fashion and Islam:’Hijabinistas On the Rise’

High-Fashion and Islam:’Hijabinistas On the Rise’

KEZIAH RIDGEWAY, CGNEWS: A spate of crimes involving burqa-clad individuals has led to a rise in hate crime but the fightback is coming from an unlikely quarter

 Steve Royston

Football: Buying into Globalised Britain

Football: Buying into Globalised Britain

Top flight football in England continues to be at the wild frontier of business – to the extent that it’s a business at all. I’m with Richard Bevan, the chief executive of the English League Managers Association when he says that the number of sackings of soccer managers in the English professional game is “embarrassing”.

STEVE ROYSTON: Many of their forays into football look like bouts of temporary insanity from where I stand. But then I guess it’s more fun than investing in a bank, and no more risky.

 mai abdul rahman

Israeli, U.S Detention Policies ‘Damaging Society’

Israeli, U.S Detention Policies ‘Damaging Society’

Last month I posted an article on Israel's wholesale detention of Palestinians and several readers observed similar patterns between Israel's detention practices of Palestinians and US detention policies.

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The detention policies that the U.S and Israel are currently pursuing are having a corrosive effect on their own societies

 Mich Cafe

Sleeping Rough in Dubai: Understanding & Kindness

Sleeping Rough in Dubai: Understanding & Kindness

One of my worst nightmares is not to have a roof over my head and not to have a home to return to every night. I was therefore in shock to find out a couple of weeks ago, purely by chance, that one of my friends had been sleeping rough on a beach in Jumeirah for the past four months.

MICH CAFE: I managed to miss all of the signs but now that I know what happened to ‘Eva’ they appear blindingly obvious

 Juan Cole

Women: Pope and Muslim Brotherhood ‘Share Views’

Women: Pope and Muslim Brotherhood ‘Share Views’

The selection of the new pope was carried out by a conclave of elderly men, and the only candidates were men. The new pope is a staunch social conservative who opposes women’s ordination as priests and women’s right to control their own bodies and limit family size, key issues for women’s health and well-being. It is no wonder that the church hierarchy is so tone deaf on women’s issues, since its highest counsels are all-male.

JUAN COLE: Patriarchal religion takes a remarkably similar view of the position of women in society.


Forget Netanyahu, Let’s Speak to Obama Instead

Forget Netanyahu, Let’s Speak to Obama Instead

JEROME SLATER, MONDOWEISS: American Jews concerned about settlement expansion are wasting their breath on Netanyahu.

 Ramzy Baroud

“5 Broken Cameras”: A True Testament to Courage

“5 Broken Cameras”: A True Testament to Courage

RAMZY BAROUD: It may not have won the Oscar for which it was nominated but it is a compelling story nonetheless.

 James M. Dorsey

‘Port Said Crisis’ Highlights Morsi’s Issues With Military

‘Port Said Crisis’ Highlights Morsi’s Issues With Military

JAMES M. DORSEY: As we approach the date when the key findings regarding the Port Said soccer brawl are revealed tension is rising.

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

RAMZY BAROUD: There are unmistakeable signs that the atmosphere between Turkey and Israel is becoming distinctly warmer

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Herod Exhibition: Example of ‘Colonial Plunder’?

Israel’s Herod Exhibition: Example of ‘Colonial Plunder’?

JONATHAN COOK: Many of Palestine’s most treasured tourism sites are strictly controlled and regulated by the Israeli authorities.

 mai abdul rahman

Death In an Israeli Prison: It’s All Too Routine

Death In an Israeli Prison: It’s All Too Routine

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The deaths of two individuals detained in Israeli prisons – one Palestinian, one Israeli – have made headlines. But it’s a very common occurrence

 Juan Cole

The Problem With ‘Argo’: An Orientalist Viewpoint

The Problem With ‘Argo’: An Orientalist Viewpoint

JUAN COLE: The Iranian ‘baddies’ come from a very old school of stock Middle Eastern characters. Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to show why they were angry?

 James M. Dorsey

Israeli Club’s Racism ‘Undermines Founding Principle’

Israeli Club’s Racism ‘Undermines Founding Principle’

JAMES M. DORSEY: Beitar Jerusalem’s problems surrounding the signing of two Muslim players underscores many of Israel’s issues with the international community

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Halal Food: It’s a Simple Matter of Community Trust

Halal Food: It’s a Simple Matter of Community Trust

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The ongoing horsemeat scandal demonstrates the importance of establishing means to gain and maintain trust among consumers


Popular and Acclaimed: The Voice of Arab Women?

Popular and Acclaimed: The Voice of Arab Women?

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Her latest novel has sold more than 100,000 copies within the first two months of release. She is, though, a sharply divisive figure

 Ramzy Baroud

A Lesson for Iraq: The Perseverance of Sinbad

A Lesson for Iraq: The Perseverance of Sinbad

RAMZY BAROUD: Ten years on from the onset of the Iraq invasion with all the horror and despair that has accumulated there is hope in the shape of a character from a children’s story


Exile and Alienation: A Father’s Letters To His Son

Exile and Alienation: A Father’s Letters To His Son

GEORGE EL HAGE, TABSIR: I felt it necessary to express directly to my son the feelings of loneliness, isolation and alienation felt by a Lebanese exile.

 Jonathan Cook

Winners, Losers in Israeli Election ‘Much Clearer’

Winners, Losers in Israeli Election ‘Much Clearer’

JONATHAN COOK: The straightforward narrative adopted by the international media following the results in the Israeli election masks the complex reality

 Common Ground News Service

‘Renounce Violence’: The Way for Egypt’s Parties

‘Renounce Violence’: The Way for Egypt’s Parties

MOHAMED EL SAYED, CGNEWS: The temptation to resort to violence to conduct political discourse needs to stop in Egypt

 Alexander McNabb

Ferris Wheel Furore: Problem With Dubai’s ‘New Shiny’

Ferris Wheel Furore: Problem With Dubai’s ‘New Shiny’

ALEXANDER MCNABB: It’s always fun ‘gazumping’ a world record announcement by New York. But there’s a little problem with Dubai’s new landmark

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