Added on 15/09/2012
Richard Silverstein
Benjamin Netanyahu , Benyamin Netanyahu , Bibi Netanyahu , Egypt , Iran , Israel , Joe Klein , Likud Party , Mediterranean coast , Mitt Romney , MSNBC , Netanyahu , Obama administration , President , Prime Minister , U.S. Presidential Elections , UN General Assembly , United States

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Previous presidents would make sure, for the sake of their own prestige and stature, that they put such chutzpah in its place. Not this president.
Added on 12/07/2012
Jonathan Cook
Activist , Afghanistan , Al Aqsa Mosque , Al-Aqsa , Ariel Sharon , Army Radio , Bedouin , Belgium , Benjamin Netanyahu , California , Eid , Europe , France , Germany , Grand Mosque , Haaretz , Hebrew University , Human Rights Association , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli police , Jaffa , Jerusalem , Mediterranean coast , Nazareth , Negev , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Rabbi , Ramallah , Sea of Galilee , Sudan , Supreme Court , Tel Aviv , the Heritage , United States , US State Department , West Bank , Western Wall

JONATHAN COOK: Proof that Israel has been engaging in a proactive campaign to destroy Islamic places of worship under its control is there for all to see.
Added on 11/10/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Ankara , Arabs , Bahrain , Bar Ilan University , Bulgaria , Davos , Egypt , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Germany , Hamas , Iran , Israel , Istanbul , Mediterranean coast , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Russia , Shimon Peres , Syria , Tel Aviv , Tourism , Tunisia , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , World Economic Forum

ROB L. WAGNER: Shopkeepers easily transition from Turkish to Russian, Polish and German. Yet Hebrew, once among the languages, is virtually non-existent.
Added on 31/01/2011
Ben Ali , Egypt , Euphrates , Facebook , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Mediterranean , Mediterranean coast , Mubarak , New York , Nile , pharaoh , Rubber bullets , Sadat , Saddam Hussein , Twitter , United States Agency for International Development

DANIEL M. VARISCO: His survival as Egypt’s modern day Pharaoh is looking less likely by the hour. How will his legacy stack up?