‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.
MICH CAFE: I’ve personally known several journalists who have been assassinated. It’s still a very dangerous occupation in the Middle East.
On Press Freedom: Jordan’s ‘Misalignment’
Any Arab country serious about supporting a free and independent press must first revise its laws to give journalists the freedom to report news without fear…
Dead Tweets: Citizen Journalists Pay the Price
MICH CAFE: With traditional media officially locked out of Syria since the start of the revolution there in March 2011, citizen journalism has taken over the mantle, at a great cost.
Top 10 Reasons White Terrorists Are Different
JUAN COLE: Number 8 – Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies.
MidEast Journalism: Whatever it Was, It Never Happened
CROSSROADS ARABIA: These stories serve as a useful reminder: Be very skeptical about any reporting coming out of the Middle East.
Media Still Searching For its Role Post Arab Spring
FRANCIS MATTHEW: Government has a huge influence on what is reported, even if in theory the relationship is supposed to be at a distance.
GCC Media and the Language of Racism
CHRISTINA HEBERT: “Aren’t they people too?” He was a man. She was a woman. Their lives mattered. Let’s show that they did.
Censorship Undone: CBS Stands Up to Israeli Pressure
JUAN COLE: A report on the plight of Palestinian Christians proved to be too much for the Israeli authorities.
Journalism and Religion: Breaking the Taboo
CG NEWS: The Arab Spring succeeded in breaking many of what used to be sensitive issues, but religion remains yet to be tackled and reported…
Pot, Kettle, Black: Jordanian MPs Call Out Media
NASEEM TARAWNAH: When I saw the accusations I felt like my head was imploding.
Ragheb Alama: Learning from Arab Idol
RACHEL MCARTHUR: Ragheb has been praised by critics for his fairness, but it has not been clear if he was going to return for the next season – until now.
Press Freedom Sickly in Israel and Turkey
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Is Israel a haven for the free press? Hardly. It allows extensive use of gag orders to protect the state, the military, and the wealthy.
Danger to America: The All American Muslim
CROSSROADS ARABIA: The group claims showing Muslims as ordinary, hides the fact that some are terrorists. The show therefore is a danger to America.
Reality TV: Challenging US Muslim Sterotypes
Reality TV show All-American Muslim is a step ahead in exposing American Muslim society as diverse, but also continues to perpetrate several stereotypes.
No Oxymoron: Having Both Effective Defamation Laws and a Healthy Media
MATT J. DUFFY: Private parties should be allowed to settle differences via civil courts and truth should be set as the ultimate defence against defamation.
Collective Silence Greets Activist Trial Statement
MATT J. DUFFY: The people of the UAE deserve to know the context surrounding this trial. The press does them a disservice by ignoring crucial elements of the story.
Emirati Women: As Portrayed in Western Media
DAVID ROBERTS: It’s always interesting to see how Western media choose to represent women from the Middle East. A slideshow published on U.S website ‘Salon’ featuring Emirati women is instructive.
Palestine’s ‘Al Jazeera’ Launched: Timely Indeed
NIDA TUMA, CGNEWS: With the attention of all the major news organisations fixed on the ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions, Palestine has dropped down the news agenda. Ma’an TV is set to address this issue.
‘The Stream’: A Radical New Concept?
SYRIA NEWS WIRE: Al Jazeera recently launched ‘The Stream’ designed to bring the ‘holy grail’ of convergence to a worldwide audience. Have they succeeded?