Added on 06/11/2012
Abu Muhammed
America , Arabian Peninsula , Egypt , Far East , Food and Drink , Illinois , India , Islam , Japan , Jim Jones , Mecca , messenger , Milwaukee , Oklahoma City , Ramadan , Religion , Salman Rushdie , Timothy McVeigh , United States
ABU MOHAMMED: There is a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the nature and practice of Islam. Here are some key points.
Added on 01/10/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Cairo , Hate , Islam , Israel , Martin Luther King Jr. , messenger , Metropolitan Transportation Authority , Mona Eltahawy , New York , New York city , New York Post , Tahrir Square , Twitter , United States , YouTube
ROB L. WAGNER: She seems to specialise in self-aggrandizing stunts that diminish the message and provide fodder for anti-Muslim parodies.
Added on 15/09/2012
mai abdul rahman
Afghanistan , Cairo , Chris Stevens , Egypt , Hillary Clinton , India , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Los Angeles , Malaysia , Mauritania , messenger , Morocco , Palestinian Territories , Sam Bacile , Secretary of State , Sudan , Terry Jones , Tunisia , United States , US embassy in Cairo , Yemen , YouTube
And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
Added on 20/08/2012
Abu Muhammed
America , Julian Assange , Media freedom , messenger , Mother Jones , Sweden , Thanksgiving , UK government , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , Wikileaks
ABU MOHAMMED: It’s clear that a lesson is being taught to Julian Assange and anyone else who believes in true freedom of the media
Added on 17/03/2012
Advertising , Benedict , Christianity , Islam , Media outlets , messenger , South Africa , The Washington Post
DANIEL M. VARISCO: A recently published ad seems to have united both Muslims and Christians in condemnation.
Added on 04/03/2012
Shaahima Fahim
Dubai , India , messenger , Messenger of God , Religion , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom
UPDATE, SHAAHIMA FAHIM: Residential communities in Dubai have taken to calling for the silencing of the call to prayer…
Added on 04/05/2011
American Bedu
Afghanistan , Africa , Algeria , America , Arabian Peninsula , Azerbaijan , Bahrain , Balkans , Bangladesh , Brunei , Central Asia , Egypt , Germany , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Jordan , Kenya , Kerala , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Malaysia , Maldives , messenger , Middle East , Morocco , Muslim , Nigeria , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tanzania , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Yemen
AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a topic that seems, more often than not, to generate more heat than light but here’s my attempt to define a Muslim.
Added on 16/01/2011
Steve Royston
Ahmed Al-Ghamdi , Anti-blasphemy law , Ben Ali , Catholic Church , Christianity , Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice , Florida , genetic engineering , Islam , Israel , Jeddah , Judaism , Mahatma Gandhi , messenger , Messenger of God , Middle East , Nelson Mandela , President , Prophet Muhammad , Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , Unemployment
STEVE ROYSTON: It’s about building societies in which people are not afraid to think for themselves, and are free to express themselves without fear of censorship or persecution…
Added on 27/12/2010
Yahya Ederer
Catholic Church , Chanukah , Christmas , Eid Al-Adha , Festival of Lights , Holy Temple , Islam , messenger , Ramadan , United Kingdom
YAHYA EDERER: Every December the Christmas clamour seems to increase around the world. I have some thoughts on how Muslims should manage the festive ‘bombardment’.