Mich Cafe

Subway Ad: So Who’s ‘Civilised’ and Who’s ‘Savage’?

Subway Ad: So Who’s ‘Civilised’ and Who’s ‘Savage’?

MICH CAFE: The ‘Battle to Offend’ seems to be getting more intense by the day. More fuel will be thrown on the fire with the appearance of a U.S ad campaign

 Michael J. Totten

‘Prediction Business’ In Crisis in the Middle East

‘Prediction Business’ In Crisis in the Middle East

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Throw away the crystal ball. Events in the Middle East over the past few months have defied everyone’s predictions.

 Crossroads Arabia

Rising Wave of Saudi Spinsters, the Shame of Divorce

Rising Wave of Saudi Spinsters, the Shame of Divorce

CROSSROADS ARABIA: An increasing number of Saudi women are choosing not to get married, while divorcees are facing growing discrimination.