Added on 20/09/2012
Mich Cafe
Council on American-Islamic Relations , executive director , fundraiser , George Bush , Human Rights Commission , Innocence of Muslims , Iran , Islam , Israel , Metropolitan Transportation Authority , Middle East , Mother Jones , New York , New York Subway , Palestinian Territories , Pamela Geller , President , Subway Ad , The New York Times , United States , Washington , YouTube
MICH CAFE: The ‘Battle to Offend’ seems to be getting more intense by the day. More fuel will be thrown on the fire with the appearance of a U.S ad campaign
Added on 20/03/2011
Michael J. Totten
Barack Obama , Democracy , France , Human Rights Commission , Libya , Middle East , United Nations , United States
MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Throw away the crystal ball. Events in the Middle East over the past few months have defied everyone’s predictions.
Added on 08/01/2011
Crossroads Arabia
GALAL FAKKAR , Human Rights Commission , Jeddah , Marriage , Saudi Arabia , Weddings
CROSSROADS ARABIA: An increasing number of Saudi women are choosing not to get married, while divorcees are facing growing discrimination.