Added on 09/07/2014
Arab–Israeli conflict , Hamas , Irregular military , Islam , Islam and antisemitism , Israel , Israeli Jews , Israeli settlement , Israeli society , Israeli-occupied territories , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Mohammad Abu Khdair , Mohammed Abu Khdeir , Religion/Belief , spokesman , Tarek Abu Khdeir , THE HERALD TRUBUNE - HAARETZ

MONDOWEISS: Were those who murdered Mohammed Kheidr ‘Israeli’ or ‘Jewish’? Media outlets differed in their description.
Added on 07/07/2014
Juan Cole
Asia , Gaza Strip , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Itamar attack , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Second Intifada , War/Conflict , Western Asia

JUAN COLE: The brutal murders of three Israeli teenagers and a Palestinian youth have driven attacks on children to top of the news agenda but it’s not new.
Added on 06/07/2014
Naseem Tarawnah
Asia , Definitions of terrorism , Fear , Iraq , Isis , Israel , Jordan , Levant , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Politics , Syria , Terrorism , War/Conflict

NASEEM TARAWNAH: Look east, look north, look south, look west – everywhere around Jordan spells trouble with a capital ‘T’.
Added on 05/07/2014
mai abdul rahman
Israel , Israeli views on the peace process , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Palestine , Palestinian exodus , Palestinian Territories , Politics , United States , War/Conflict

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s clear that Israel’s character and actions have been shaped by its past. There’s a warning to Palestinians.
Added on 11/05/2014
mai abdul rahman
Asia , Definitions of Palestinian , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Nakba Day , Palestinian exodus , Palestinian people , Politics , Views on the Arab–Israeli conflict , War/Conflict , Western Asia , Zionism

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s an event that defines both Israel and Palestine. It’s brutal realities will not be wished away.
Added on 12/04/2014
Arab–Israeli War , Asia , BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION , Criticism of the Israeli government , historian , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish history , Middle East , Nationalism , Palestine , Palestinian exodus , Politics , Simon Schama , United States , Western Asia , Zionism

JEROME SLATER, MONDOWEISS: Simon Schama is a popular and highly respected historian. But Israel appears to be his blind-spot.
Added on 12/04/2014
Juan Cole
Anti-Zionism , Asia , East Jerusalem , Israel , Israel and the apartheid analogy , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jerusalem , John Kerry , Palestinian people , Palestinian prisoners in Israel , Palestinian Territories , Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Politics , United Nations , War/Conflict , Zionism

JUAN COLE: Israel reneged on its promises, Kerry called them out and then all hell broke loose.
Added on 17/02/2014
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , America , American Muslims , Antisemitism in the United States , Anwar al-Awlaki , Central Intelligence Agency , Department of Justice , Edward Snowden , Eric Holder , Extrajudicial killing , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama administration , Pakistan , Politics , Presidency of Barack Obama , President , Religion , Robert Gibbs , United States , United States government , Unmanned aerial vehicle , White House , Yemen

PETER VAN BUREN, INFORMED COMMENT: Drone attacks on U.S nationals overseas could be a portent of things to come at home.
Added on 05/02/2014
Juan Cole
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam , Al Qaeda , Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula , al-Zawahiri , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Egyptian Islamic Jihad , Entertainment/Culture , FBI Most Wanted Terrorists , Iraq , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Terrorism , Videos and audio recordings of Ayman al-Zawahiri , Zawahiri

JUAN COLE: The insistence by many commentators in speaking about a single Al Qaeda entity in Iraq and Syria is plain wrong.
Added on 24/01/2014
Ramzy Baroud
ambassadors , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Avigdor Lieberman , Benjamin Netanyahu , Defense Minister , European Union , Israel , Israeli settlement , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , John Kerry , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Reactions to the Gaza flotilla raid , United States , West Bank

RAMZY BAROUD: There are a lot of confused people sitting in Washington waiting to hear how they should keep Israel happy.
Added on 03/01/2014
American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish history , John Kerry , Nationalism , Palestine , Peter Beinart , Political philosophy , Politics , Religion/Belief , Two-state solution , United States , Washington , Zionism

PHILIP WEISS: 2014 is set to be a pivotal year for ‘the lobby’ in the United States, according to a leading commentator
Added on 14/12/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Arab nationalism , Arab people , Asia , Egypt , Egyptians , Ethnic groups in the Middle East , Europe , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , J.J. Cale , Lausanne , Middle East , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian Territories , Semitic peoples , State of Palestine , War/Conflict

RAMZY BAROUD: With the music of JJ Cale in my head I’ve had time to think while traveling through Switzerland
Added on 11/12/2013
Juan Cole
Ali Khamenei , Anti-Zionism , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Gaza Strip , Government , Hamas , Hezbollah , Iran , Iran–Israel relations , Iran–Lebanon relations , Israel , Israeli–Lebanese conflict , Jordan , Politics , President , Prime Minister , United Nations , War/Conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu demanded on Sunday that the world community constrain Iran to change its “genocidal policy” toward Israel, in the course of a speech in which he attacked President Obama’s current round of negotiations with Iran over its civilian nuclear enrichment program.
JUAN COLE: It appears that a light foam forms on Binyamin Netanyahu’s lips when he begins speaking about Iran. Not all Israeli politicians are like him
Added on 02/12/2013
Sawsan Morrar
Amman , Basima Fayez , Domestic worker , Indonesia , Jordan , Labor , Linda Kalash , Middle East , Social Issues

SAWSAN MORRAR: It’s a problem that’s growing by the day but little appears to be done to address the issue of underage domestic workers in Jordan
Added on 16/11/2013
Jonathan Cook
Ariel Sharon , Fatah , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Nationalism , Oslo Accords , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian Territories , Palestinian terrorism , Politics , Prime Minister , United States , War/Conflict , Western Asia , Yasser Arafat

JONATHAN COOK; It’s looking increasingly likely that Yasser Arafat was poisoned with polonium. So what’s been the result of his ‘removal’?
Added on 14/11/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Al-Aqsa , Asia , Benny Morris , David Ben Gurion , Fatah , Fertile Crescent , Hamas , Ilan Pappé , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian exodus , Palestinian militant groups , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Salman Abu Sitta , Shay Hazkani

RAMZY BAROUD: An hour spent flipping between two Palestinian TV channels made it abundantly clear how Palestinians are missing a clear story about their present and future
Added on 02/11/2013
Juan Cole
Asia , Civil war in Iraq , Iraq , Iraq War , Iraqi insurgency , Mexico , Nouri al-Maliki , Politics , Politics of Iraq , Sunni , Syria , United States , War/Conflict , Washington

JUAN COLE: Nouri Al-Maliki is in Washington pushing for increased U.S involvement in his country’s affairs. I have one word of advice to President Obama – resist!
Added on 02/11/2013
Jonathan Cook
Arab League , Hamas , Human rights in Israel , Human rights in the Palestinian territories , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Kerry , Mahmoud Abbas , Martin Indyk , Middle East , Nasif Hata , Netanyahu , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian prisoners in Israel , Palestinian Territories , Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Politics , President , Two-state solution , United States

JONATHAN COOK: We’re stumbling towards a conclusion with which the Israeli authorities would be very happy – a stalled process with the potential added extra of a Palestinian walkout
Added on 29/10/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Al Qaeda , Asia , Fertile Crescent , Foreign relations of Iraq , Iraq , Iraqi insurgency , Levant , Member states of the Arab League , Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , Member states of the United Nations , Middle East , Politics , Syria , United States , War/Conflict

RAMZY BAROUD: The sectarian genie that was released via the US invasion of Iraq is now running rampant around the Middle East
Added on 25/10/2013
Juan Cole
Arab League , Arab world , Cairo , Egypt , Egyptian people , Foreign relations of Egypt , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Iran , Iraq , Middle East , Moscow , Muslim Brotherhood , Nikita Khrushchev , North Africa , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Soviet Union , Syria , United States , USD , Vladimir Putin , Washington , Western Asia

An Egyptian delegation heading to Moscow just after the United States cut $300 million out of its aid package to Cairo to punish the July 3 military coup there has raised speculation that Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s military junta is shopping for a new superpower patron. In the 1960s at the height of the Cold […]