Faking News: It’s All Too Easy In The Digital Age
CROSSROADS ARABIA: The practice is as old as news itself but faking news has become a lot easier with new technology …

‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.
MICH CAFE: I've personally known several journalists who have been assassinated. It's still a very dangerous occupation in the Middle East. …

Al Jazeera’s Fading Arab Fortunes Lead To New Strategy
JAMES M. DORSEY: Various reasons - many of them political - have led to a drop in viewership across the Arab world. Time to look elsewhere for new audiences. …

Israel Falls to 112th in Press Freedom Index
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Israel has fallen 20 places in the Press Freedom Index. It now ranks below both Qatar and Kuwait. But is its ranking low enough?…

‘Major Boost’ for Moroccan English Language Media
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: The story of English language media in Morocco is not a happy one. The arrival of a new title though is cause for hope…

On Press Freedom: Jordan’s ‘Misalignment’
Any Arab country serious about supporting a free and independent press must first revise its laws to give journalists the freedom to report news without fear...…

Beirut Bomb: ‘Mainstream Media’ Becomes Social Media
ALEXANDER MCNABB: It's the first time I've witnessed the so-called established media diving head first into the social media whirl. It sets a dangerous precedent. …

The UAE’s ‘Blue Pencil’: A Much Lighter Touch
ALEXANDER MC NABB: My recent experience of being, ah, 'moderated' is a far cry from my experiences over the past 25 years …
‘Inflammatory’ anti-Jihad ads hit NYC
VIDEO: "Inflammatory" adverts equating Islamic jihad with savagery have been posted in New York City subway stations, causing controversy. …