United States

 mai abdul rahman

Invisible: The Plight of Arab-American Women

Invisible: The Plight of Arab-American Women

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: They have played, and continue to play, a vital role in U.S society but their voices go unheard.

 Juan Cole

“Due Process”: It’s Being Erased from U.S Constitution

“Due Process”: It’s Being Erased from U.S Constitution

PETER VAN BUREN, INFORMED COMMENT: Drone attacks on U.S nationals overseas could be a portent of things to come at home.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Where’s AIPAC?’: Bewildered US Senators Await Instruction

‘Where’s AIPAC?’: Bewildered US Senators Await Instruction

RAMZY BAROUD: There are a lot of confused people sitting in Washington waiting to hear how they should keep Israel happy.


‘Establishment Jewish Influence’ on the Wane in U.S – Beinart

‘Establishment Jewish Influence’ on the Wane in U.S – Beinart

PHILIP WEISS: 2014 is set to be a pivotal year for ‘the lobby’ in the United States, according to a leading commentator

 Juan Cole

Why the U.S Should Stay Out of Iraq: Top Ten Reasons

Why the U.S Should Stay Out of Iraq: Top Ten Reasons

JUAN COLE: Nouri Al-Maliki is in Washington pushing for increased U.S involvement in his country’s affairs. I have one word of advice to President Obama – resist!

 Ramzy Baroud

Lines on the Map ‘Irrelevant’ in Shifting Middle East Map

Lines on the Map ‘Irrelevant’ in Shifting Middle East Map

RAMZY BAROUD: The sectarian genie that was released via the US invasion of Iraq is now running rampant around the Middle East


‘Thanks for Meeting Malala. But What About Other ‘Malalas’?’

‘Thanks for Meeting Malala. But What About Other ‘Malalas’?’

MONDOWEISS: In an open letter to President Obama a young Pakistani woman welcomes his meeting with Malala but asks about victims of U.S drone strikes

 Common Ground News Service

‘Gaga, There’s More to The Burqa Than A Stage Prop’

‘Gaga, There’s More to The Burqa Than A Stage Prop’

KEZIA RIDGEWAY, CGNEWS: It’s not suprising that Lady Gaga has lit on the burqa as a garb-of-controversy but she could use the debate more constructively


Strike on Syria: The Lobby’s In Overdrive

Strike on Syria: The Lobby’s In Overdrive

MONDOWEISS: As the vote in Congress nears there is one group of ‘cheerleaders for war’ who are working particularly hard.


So What Exactly Does Barack Obama Stand For?

So What Exactly Does Barack Obama Stand For?

MONDOWEISS: Is he about extracting the U.S from costly and involved foreign conflict or in favour of same? Maybe he’s the Drone Strike President?

 Juan Cole

Ghost of Iraq Comes Back to Haunt US/UK Syria Plans

Ghost of Iraq Comes Back to Haunt US/UK Syria Plans

The heavy propaganda for an Iraq War waged by the Bush administration and the Blair government in 2002-2003 came back to haunt the Anglo-American alliance on Thursday when the British parliament voted 285 to 272 not to authorize a military strike on Syria.

JUAN COLE: The heavy propaganda for an Iraq War waged by Bush, Blair governments came back to haunt the alliance on Thursday when parliament voted not to authorize a military strike on Syria.

 Francis Matthew

Is Any Iranian Deal Destined to Fail?

FRANCIS MATTHEW: Rouhani’s new and pragmatic approach will give Obama another test, as it will force the administration to be clear about whether its real goal is a nuclear settlement…

 James M. Dorsey

Precarious Positioning: The U.S. and Mid East Freedom

Precarious Positioning: The U.S. and Mid East Freedom

JAMES M. DORSEY: To maintain its tightrope act, the Obama administration will have to draw a clear distinction between peaceful, legitimate and democratic expression of dissent and terrorism.

 Juan Cole

U.S. Iran Oil Policy: Whose Interest Is It?

U.S. Iran Oil Policy: Whose Interest Is It?

Not since President Roosevelt told Japan in July 1941 that he was going to cut it off from American petroleum has the United States threatened to use oil to strangle a country so completely.

JUAN COLE: Not since President Roosevelt told Japan in July 1941 that he was going to cut it off from American petroleum has the United States threatened to use oil to strangle a country so completely.

 mai abdul rahman

America and Islam: Ignorance of ‘the Other’ No Option

America and Islam: Ignorance of ‘the Other’ No Option

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: American Muslims do not understand why the U.S. government and military chose to publicly try Hasan on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr celebrations.

 Juan Cole

‘Inhumanity’, Not ‘Sexting’, Is Anthony Weiner’s Real Problem

‘Inhumanity’, Not ‘Sexting’, Is Anthony Weiner’s Real Problem

JUAN COLE: Weiner’s been caught out again. The really big deal about him though is his unwavering support for virulently anti-Palestinian policies

 Crossroads Arabia

‘Little Green Men vs Arabs’: Simple Choice for U.S Readers

‘Little Green Men vs Arabs’: Simple Choice for U.S Readers

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Selling Arabic literature, in translation, to a U.S audience is particularly challenging

 Ramzy Baroud

Trust: A Diminishing Resource in International Relations

Trust: A Diminishing Resource in International Relations

RAMZY BAROUD: Hard to win and lost in an instant, it’s trust. The U.S seems to be unconcerned about its diminishing reputation in the world

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Reasons Why Americans Should Care About Egypt

Top Ten Reasons Why Americans Should Care About Egypt

JUAN COLE: Recent events in Egypt don’t seem to hold much appeal for the major news corporations in the U.S but all Americans have a stake in what happens there

 Ramzy Baroud

Scratch, Scratch: The Western Itch To Intervene Is Insatiable

Scratch, Scratch: The Western Itch To Intervene Is Insatiable

RAMZY BAROUD: You can be sure that whatever turmoil is happening in the Middle East the hands of the West will be present

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