Added on 01/10/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Cairo , Hate , Islam , Israel , Martin Luther King Jr. , messenger , Metropolitan Transportation Authority , Mona Eltahawy , New York , New York city , New York Post , Tahrir Square , Twitter , United States , YouTube

ROB L. WAGNER: She seems to specialise in self-aggrandizing stunts that diminish the message and provide fodder for anti-Muslim parodies.
Added on 13/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Mona Eltahawy , Women

DALILA MAHDAWI: To paraphrase the physicist Albert Einstein, one cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
Added on 01/05/2012
Africa , Asia , Cairo , Columbia , Egypt , Europe , India , Iran , Islam , John Edwards , Journalist , Latin America , Middle East , Mona Eltahawy , Mubarak , President , Qatar , Republican Party , Sports Illustrated , United States , Women , Women's issues , Yemen

DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s dogmatic rhetoric and a willingness to conform to imposed tyranny that are the real enemies.
Added on 26/11/2011
Rania Al Malky
Cairo , Egypt , France , Hosni Mubarak , Journalist , Kamal El-Ganzoury , Mona Eltahawy , President , Prime Minister , Reuters , Rubber bullets , SCAF , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , YouTube

RANIA AL MALKY: No apology will suffice to reverse the insult that such a blatantly false claim has dealt to the memory of the victims…
Added on 11/05/2011
Common Ground News Service
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , America , Barack Obama , Common Ground News Service , East Africa , East Asia , Egypt , Europe , Iraq , Islam , Journalist , Middle East , Mona Eltahawy , New York , North Africa , Osama Bin Laden , Qatar , Robert Fisk , Search for Common Ground , Shadi Hamid , South Asia , Taliban , The Wall Street Journal , Tunisia , United States , White House

SYDNEY SMITH: Most Muslims, it appears, are relieved that bin Laden is gone but how do they deal with the prejudice and suspicion engendered by his deeds?
Added on 13/04/2011
Susie of Arabia
Belgium , France , Hijab , Jeddah , Mona Eltahawy , Niqab , Saudi Arabia , Women

SUSIE OF ARABIA: I feel I am forced to wear the abaya – it would not be my choice to dress like that. And I doubt if I am the only woman who feels this way.