Added on 09/07/2014
Arab–Israeli conflict , Hamas , Irregular military , Islam , Islam and antisemitism , Israel , Israeli Jews , Israeli settlement , Israeli society , Israeli-occupied territories , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Mohammad Abu Khdair , Mohammed Abu Khdeir , Religion/Belief , spokesman , Tarek Abu Khdeir , THE HERALD TRUBUNE - HAARETZ

MONDOWEISS: Were those who murdered Mohammed Kheidr ‘Israeli’ or ‘Jewish’? Media outlets differed in their description.
Added on 17/02/2014
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , America , American Muslims , Antisemitism in the United States , Anwar al-Awlaki , Central Intelligence Agency , Department of Justice , Edward Snowden , Eric Holder , Extrajudicial killing , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama administration , Pakistan , Politics , Presidency of Barack Obama , President , Religion , Robert Gibbs , United States , United States government , Unmanned aerial vehicle , White House , Yemen

PETER VAN BUREN, INFORMED COMMENT: Drone attacks on U.S nationals overseas could be a portent of things to come at home.
Added on 05/02/2014
Juan Cole
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam , Al Qaeda , Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula , al-Zawahiri , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Egyptian Islamic Jihad , Entertainment/Culture , FBI Most Wanted Terrorists , Iraq , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Terrorism , Videos and audio recordings of Ayman al-Zawahiri , Zawahiri

JUAN COLE: The insistence by many commentators in speaking about a single Al Qaeda entity in Iraq and Syria is plain wrong.
Added on 16/10/2013
Al Qaeda , Central Intelligence Agency , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Government of Afghanistan , Islam , Islamism , Nabila , Organized crime , Pakistan , Politics , Politics of Afghanistan , President , Taliban , Unmanned aerial vehicle , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror

MONDOWEISS: In an open letter to President Obama a young Pakistani woman welcomes his meeting with Malala but asks about victims of U.S drone strikes
Added on 13/10/2013
Abu Muhammed
Asia , Far East , Hajj , Hospitality/Recreation , Islam , Mecca , Ramadan , Saudi Arabia

ABU MOHAMMED: Many of us on the Hajj break are slaves to our cars, busy transporting our loved ones from beach to mall to play center
Added on 13/10/2013
Dhofari Gucci
Al Adha , Asia , Eid Al-Adha , Eid ul-Fitr , Holiday , Islam , Islamic culture , Islamic festivals , Oman , Public holidays in Oman , Ramadan , Sawm

DHOFARI GUCCI: It used to be ‘holiday heaven’ in Oman. Not any more and it’s no bad thing really.
Added on 29/09/2013
Common Ground News Service
Aftermath of the September 11 attacks , Freedom of expression , Hakim Murad , Halal , Hani Al-Mazeedi , Islam , Pakistan , Park51 , Religion , Religion/Belief , Sharia

JONAS YUNUS: There is a huge internal debate taking place among Muslims worldwide about many vital issues. Many Christians though are completely unaware of this debate
Added on 26/09/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
British debate over veils , Burqa , Clothing , Culture , Hijab , Islam , judge , Niq?b in Egypt , Niqab , Purdah , Social Issues , United Kingdom

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Considering the tiny number of women who actually wear a veil in the U.K it’s amazing all of the discussion about it.
Added on 15/09/2013
Common Ground News Service
Al Azhar University , Egypt , Fatwa , Iraq , Islam , Jordan , Lebanon , Mahmoud Shaltut , Mahmud Shaltut , Middle East , Muhammad Taghi Ghomi , Religion , Religion/Belief , Shi'a Islam , Syria , Twelver

SHEIKH MUSTAFA CERIC: Protestants and Catholics fought each other for decades in Europe before they decided to sign a peace treaty. Let’s look at lessons learned
Added on 03/09/2013
The View From Fez
Abdelilah Benkirane , Ennahda , Government , Guillaume Klein , Islam , Islamism , Istiqlal Party , Justice and Development Party , King , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood , Party of Justice and Development , PJD , Politics

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Two years after sweeping to power Morocco’s ruling party is living on borrowed time, it seems
Added on 10/08/2013
mai abdul rahman
Eid , Islam , Nidal Malik Hasan , United States

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: American Muslims do not understand why the U.S. government and military chose to publicly try Hasan on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr celebrations.
Added on 23/07/2013
Mich Cafe
Cham , Damascus , Fasting , Food and Drink , Iftar , Islam , Ramadan , Religion , Religion/Belief , Sawm , Syria , Tarawih , travel agent

MICH CAFE: This is the third Ramadan where conflict has wracked Syria and it’s the toughest one yet for many families there
Added on 22/07/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Afghan Civil War , Al Qaeda , Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden , Central Intelligence Agency , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Politics , Reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden , Religion , September 11 attacks , United States , US government , US military , US National Security Agency , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror

RAMZY BAROUD: Hard to win and lost in an instant, it’s trust. The U.S seems to be unconcerned about its diminishing reputation in the world
Added on 21/07/2013
The View From Fez
airline pilots , Asceticism , Diets , Fasting , Human behavior , Islam , Lapse and anti-lapse , Nutrition , Other , Ramadan , Religion , Religion/Belief , Sawm

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: It’s Ramadan, it’s hot, concentration is not what should it be so inevitably accidents happen and tempers are frayed.
Added on 17/07/2013
The View From Fez
Asceticism , Behavior , Diets , Drinking , Erin Geneva , Fasting , Fasting and abstinence of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria , Health , Human behavior , Islam , Nutrition , Ramadan , Religion , Religion/Belief , Sawm

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: It seemed like a relatively straightforward challenge but fasting for one day proved to be much harder than expected
Added on 10/07/2013
Steve Royston
Al-Muhajiroun , Anjem , Anjem Choudary , Channel Four Television Corporation , Daily Mail , Islam , Islam in the United Kingdom , Islamism , Islamist groups , Ramadan , Religion/Belief , Terrorism in the United Kingdom , WILSON ASA

There is Islamophobia, and then there is silliness. When I first skimmed A.N. Wilson’s rant in last week’s Daily Mail about the UK’s Channel 4’s plans to broadcast the first prayer call during Ramadan, I thought oh oh, here’s the Mail doing its usual bit to rouse Middle England against the creeping erosion of our […]
Added on 09/07/2013
Mich Cafe
Abrahamic religions , Fasting , Five Pillars of Islam , Iftar , Islam , Monotheistic religions , Ramadan , Religion , Religion/Belief , Salat , Sawm , Suhoor , Tarawih

MICH CAFE: It’s a feature of Ramadan that I grew up with – the M’tabeel passing through the neighbourhood beating their drums. Not any more however.
Added on 08/07/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Fasting , Human behavior , Iftar , Islam , Ramadan , Religion , Religion/Belief , Sawm

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Sometimes our behaviour can be less than perfect during Ramadan. We shouldn’t, though, simply make excuses for this.
Added on 05/07/2013
Juan Cole
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi , Egypt , Egyptian revolution , Freedom and Justice Party , Islam , Islam in Egypt , Islamism , Kuomintang , Mohamed Morsy , Muhammad Morsi , Muhammad Mursi , Muslim Brotherhood , officer , Politics , Politics of Egypt , President , Saad Katatni , Tamarrud Movement , War/Conflict

JUAN COLE: The Muslim Brotherhood faces a choice. If they go one route it could lead Egypt into a period of profound and long-lasting devastation
Added on 05/06/2013
James M. Dorsey
Cairo , Egypt , Erdogan , Fethullah Gülen , Islam , Islamism , Istanbul , Ottoman architecture , Politics , President , Tahrir Square , Taksim , Taksim Square , Tourism , Turkey , Turkish architecture , Turkish art , War/Conflict

JAMES M. DORSEY: Once again battle-hardened football fans are taking the lead in confronting a regime. We’ve been here before.