Added on 03/10/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Bush , Bush Administration , Central America , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Eisenhower , elected president , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Golan Heights , Governor , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muammar Qaddafi , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Pentagon , President , Republican Party , Romney , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Taliban , Tel Aviv , UN General Assembly , UN Security Council , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , United States Army , US government , US intelligence , Washington , West Bank
JUAN COLE: The Presidential candidate appears to be entirely clueless about the recent history of US involvement in the region. Heres’ some help.
Added on 13/04/2012
Juan Cole
Africa , Ali Khamenei , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Asia , Binyamin Netanyahu , BP , British government , China , Congress , Electricity , European Union , Food and Drink , France , Germany , Greece , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iranian government , Iranian parliament , Iran’s central bank , Iraq , Israel , Italy , Japan , Latin America , Leon Panetta , Manmohan Singh , Middle East , Obama , Obama administration , Oil , oil fields , oil imports , oil prices , Oil production , oil profits , Persian Gulf , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of Defense , South Korea , South Sudan , Soviet Union , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. intelligence , United Kingdom , United States , Washington , Winston Churchill
JUAN COLE: It’s well worth looking at previous situations where major powers tried to use economics to bring Iran to heel.
Added on 21/12/2011
Steve Royston
Abdulaziz , Abdullah , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Beirut , Churchill , co-author , Cyprus , David Ben Gurion , Egypt , Faisal , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Hafez Assad , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Kim Philby , Lawrence , Lebanon , Literature , London , Middle East , Moscow , New York Times , Paul Wolfowitz , Politics , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tehran , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States
STEVE ROYSTON: Book Review: Here you’ll find the Britons and Americans – proconsuls, agents provocateurs, spies, politicians – that shaped the Middle East.