
Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.

 mai abdul rahman

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

 Juan Cole

Benghazi Attack: Romney Gets It Badly Wrong

Benghazi Attack: Romney Gets It Badly Wrong

JUAN COLE: His comments were hasty, distasteful and unwise. Can we afford to have an individual with such poor judgement in the White House?

 Omar al-Issawi

Niqab Ban Lifts Veil on Problems East and West

Niqab Ban Lifts Veil on Problems East and West

OMAR AL ISSAWI: Playing the victim, engendering sympathy and hurling accusations of conspiracy, persecution and discrimination will only get a cause so far…

 Common Ground News Service

Time for a Rethink: An Open Letter to Terry Jones

Time for a Rethink: An Open Letter to Terry Jones

SRI MURNIATI, CGNEWS: If you are genuine about helping Muslims shun violence, Pastor Jones, there are better ways to do it than burning our sacred text.

 Crossroads Arabia

The Best Defence Against Terry Jones? Ear Plugs…

The Best Defence Against Terry Jones? Ear Plugs…

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Now Jones wants to ‘hold a trial’ of the Prophet Mohammed. What law might pertain, what authority? This is a publicity stunt, nothing more.

 Omar al-Issawi

Terry Jones: A Pastor with Blood on his Hands

Terry Jones: A Pastor with Blood on his Hands

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: ‘Incitement’ was the essence of Terry Jones’ actions in burning a copy of the Koran. With the death toll rising by the day he has achieved his objective.