Added on 18/09/2012
America , Anders Behring Breivik , Cairo , CNN , Edward Said , Egypt , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Journalism , Kate Middleton , Libya , Media coverage , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newsweek , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , princess , Rupert Murdoch , Salman Rushdie , Terry Jones , United States , YouTube
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.
Added on 15/09/2012
mai abdul rahman
Afghanistan , Cairo , Chris Stevens , Egypt , Hillary Clinton , India , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Los Angeles , Malaysia , Mauritania , messenger , Morocco , Palestinian Territories , Sam Bacile , Secretary of State , Sudan , Terry Jones , Tunisia , United States , US embassy in Cairo , Yemen , YouTube
And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
Added on 13/09/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , al-Masry al-Yawm , Benghazi , Cairo , Department of State , Egypt , Garden City , Hosni Mubarak , Ku Klux Klan , Libya , Libyan government , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Obama administration , President , Prime Minister , Red Cross , Republican presidential candidate , Sam Bacile , Sinai , Tahrir Square , Terry Jones , The US ambassador , United States , US embassy in Cairo , West Bank , YouTube
JUAN COLE: His comments were hasty, distasteful and unwise. Can we afford to have an individual with such poor judgement in the White House?
Added on 19/04/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Bin Laden , Democracy , Europe , France , Gaddafi , Geneva , Hannibal , Indonesia , Iran , Libya , Muammar Gaddafi , Muslim Brotherhood , Niqab , Oil supplies , President , Saudi Arabia , Switzerland , Terry Jones , Women
OMAR AL ISSAWI: Playing the victim, engendering sympathy and hurling accusations of conspiracy, persecution and discrimination will only get a cause so far…
Added on 15/04/2011
Common Ground News Service
Afghanistan , Florida , Islam , Malaysia , Middle East , Terry Jones , United Nations
SRI MURNIATI, CGNEWS: If you are genuine about helping Muslims shun violence, Pastor Jones, there are better ways to do it than burning our sacred text.
Added on 06/04/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Terry Jones
CROSSROADS ARABIA: Now Jones wants to ‘hold a trial’ of the Prophet Mohammed. What law might pertain, what authority? This is a publicity stunt, nothing more.
Added on 05/04/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Afghanistan , Islam , Jesus Christ , Pakistan , Terry Jones , United Nations , United States
OMAR AL-ISSAWI: ‘Incitement’ was the essence of Terry Jones’ actions in burning a copy of the Koran. With the death toll rising by the day he has achieved his objective.