Added on 27/09/2012
Richard Silverstein
Afghanistan , America , Bill Keller , Clarion Fund , Haaretz , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Media , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Muslims , Newsweek , Nicholas Kristof , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Salman Rushdie , Sarajevo , Somalia , Yemen
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…
Added on 21/07/2012
The View From Fez
Facebook , Fez , Finland , Food and Drink , Islam , Italy , London , Long-Distance Runner , Mecca , Morocco , Muslims , Netherlands , Norway , Olympics , Ramadan , Ramadan falls , shopkeeper , Social networking , Stockholm , Sweden , United Kingdom
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Whether it’s the longer daylight hours or because you’re an Olympic athlete there are particular challenges for Muslims this Ramadan
Added on 20/07/2012
Editor, MEP
Lee Wellings , Muslims , Olympics , Ramadan , the summer games , Videos
VIDEO, AL JAZEERA: It is the ultimate test of sporting ability, but this London Olympics will provide extra difficulty for some Muslim athletes.
Added on 04/05/2012
Afghanistan , Arab American Institute , Barack Obama , Bush , Bush Administration , Democratic Party , Department of Justice , Eric Holder , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Florida , John Brennan , Michigan , Middle East , Muslim Public Affairs Council , Muslims , New York , Obama , Obama administration , Pentagon , President , Ray LaHood , Republican Party , The American Muslim , United States , White House
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: A multitude of events have piled up and support for Obama is running at an all time low.
Added on 13/12/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Abu Dhabi Gallup Center , Advertising , Alaska , America , Branding , Dalia Mogahed , Dearborn , Florida Family Association , Michigan , Middle East , Muslims , Osama Bin Laden , Ramadan , Sarah Palin , United States
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The lesson from these examples is courage pays off. Muslims show loyalty to brands supporting them in the public space.
Added on 06/12/2011
Crossroads Arabia
America , Dearborn , Michigan , Muslims , The American Muslim , United States
Reality TV show All-American Muslim is a step ahead in exposing American Muslim society as diverse, but also continues to perpetrate several stereotypes.
Added on 05/11/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Anti-blasphemy law , Censorship , Charlie Hebdo , Christianity , Ennahda Party , France , Free speech , hate speech , Hijab , Islam , Islamophobia , Jews , Mainstream media , Media , Muslims , News media , Newspapers , Organization of Islamic Cooperation , Prophet Muhammad , Tunisian elections
ROB L. WAGNER: Charlie Hebdo’s editors abuse the privilege of being journalists. Their behavior strengthens the argument anti blasphemy laws are necessary
Added on 08/08/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
European Union , Federal Bureau of Investigation , France , Ground Zero mosque , Islam , Media coverage , Muslims , The National , The New York Times , United Kingdom , United States
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: These same results keep being found, keep being published – and keep being greeted with surprise…
Added on 01/08/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Anders Behring Breivik , Cambridge University , chancellor , Christmas , Europe , Food and Drink , Islam , Islamaphobia , Muslims , Norway , Oklahoma , Prime Minister , Racism , United Kingdom , World Trade Center
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Last week’s horror has the potential to change the discourse again, away from anti-Muslim sentiment.
Added on 01/03/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Airbus , Al Qaeda , Christmas , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George W. Bush , Jeddah consulate , Muslims , President , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudis , Terrorism , Texas , U.S. government , United Kingdom , United States
ROB L. WAGNER: The U.S.’s reaction to Khalid Aldawsari’s terrorism-related charges could play into the hands of conservatives in the Kingdom.
Added on 01/02/2011
Rob L. Wagner
abaya , Bahrain , Canada , Catholic University , Education , Facebook , Hijab , Jeddah , Madinah , Middle East , Ministry of Higher Education , Muslims , Niqab , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudi women , Twitter , Unemployment , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Washington
ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabia is sending thousands of women to foreign universities to obtain undergrad and postgrad degrees. Job prospects upon returning home are dim.