Steve Royston

‘A Step Backwards?’ Bahrain Set to Curb VoIP Services

‘A Step Backwards?’ Bahrain Set to Curb VoIP Services

STEVE ROYSTON: The reason for the crackdown is predictably ‘security’. The impact on much-needed inward investment may, however, be profound.

 Jonathan Cook

The Interview That Spoke Volumes About Gaza Attack

The Interview That Spoke Volumes About Gaza Attack

JONATHAN COOK: CNN was determined to follow the script of ‘equivelance’ when broadcasting an interview with a Gazan and an Israeli. Events took over, though.

 Common Ground News Service

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

DAHLIA SCHIENDLIN, CGNEWS: It was the people rather than the politics that first attracted me to Pakistan. We have a lot in common.

 Crossroads Arabia

Progress or Not? The ‘Digital Eid’ Has Arrived

Progress or Not? The ‘Digital Eid’ Has Arrived

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It seems that no element of life is safe from the encroachment of social media – not even sacred Eid customs

 Common Ground News Service

Distant, But No Need to Shout: The Virtual Dinner Guest

Distant, But No Need to Shout: The Virtual Dinner Guest

ALICE HACKMAN, CG NEWS: The aim of the project is to connect people in the US with the rest of the world through dinner-time Skype conversations.

 Common Ground News Service

“Love, InshAllah”: Muslim Women Tell Their Stories

“Love, InshAllah”: Muslim Women Tell Their Stories

MARWA HELAL, CGNEWS: A collection of stories about Muslim women’s love lives has struck a global chord.


“You Don’t Understand the Price of Freedom”. I Do Now.

“You Don’t Understand the Price of Freedom”. I Do Now.

HAJAR ABDUL RAHIM, SUHAIBWEBB: My parents fled Syria to avoid jail, torture and possible death. I have begun to appreciate truly the price they paid.

 Steve Royston

2012 and Beyond: The Many Reasons to be Both Fearful – and Cheerful

2012 and Beyond: The Many Reasons to be Both Fearful – and Cheerful

STEVE ROYSTON looks at the arts, society, education, politics, business, technology and the environment as we move into 2012, the Year of Fear’.

 Syria News Wire

ISyria’s ‘e-Revolution’: It’s A Constant Game of ‘Cat and Mouse’

ISyria’s ‘e-Revolution’: It’s A Constant Game of ‘Cat and Mouse’

NEWS FROM SYRIA: At first the authorities in Syria were caught unawares at how ‘new technology’ was used against them. But they caught on quickly.


The Pros and Cons of Being an Expat in Dubai

The Pros and Cons of Being an Expat in Dubai

THE HEDONISTA: Written from an Australian perspective – Vegemite and Tim Tams feature – I think there’s enough here to give everyone a flavour of what they’ll gain and lose as an expat in Dubai.

 Syria News Wire

‘The Stream’: A Radical New Concept?

‘The Stream’: A Radical New Concept?

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: Al Jazeera recently launched ‘The Stream’ designed to bring the ‘holy grail’ of convergence to a worldwide audience. Have they succeeded?

 Alexander McNabb

The Future’s Coming, Please Tell the UAE’s Telcos

The Future’s Coming, Please Tell the UAE’s Telcos

ALEXANDER MCNABB – Technology has allowed us to speak to each other in ways unimaginable five years ago. The telco operators in the Middle East, however, don’t appear to have caught on yet.

 Alexander McNabb

Google Voice, Censorship, Media Idiocy

Google Voice, Censorship, Media Idiocy

There has been a great deal of concern and speculation this week regarding a possible move against Google by the UAE’s telecom regulator, the TRA. Much of this concern has been triggered by appalling journalism…