Added on 11/05/2013
Alex Zucker , Arabic literature , Culture of New York City , Elias Khoury , Entertainment/Culture , Iraq , Islam , Khouri , Literature , Novelist , PEN America , PEN American Center , PEN World Voices , Postcolonial literature , Religion , Salman Rushdie , Suzanne Nossel

M. LYNX-QUALEY: At major international writer events there seems to be an overwhelming focus on the politics of the region. Understandable but we’re neglecting a fuller picture
Added on 06/11/2012
Abu Muhammed
America , Arabian Peninsula , Egypt , Far East , Food and Drink , Illinois , India , Islam , Japan , Jim Jones , Mecca , messenger , Milwaukee , Oklahoma City , Ramadan , Religion , Salman Rushdie , Timothy McVeigh , United States

ABU MOHAMMED: There is a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the nature and practice of Islam. Here are some key points.
Added on 27/09/2012
Richard Silverstein
Afghanistan , America , Bill Keller , Clarion Fund , Haaretz , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Media , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Muslims , Newsweek , Nicholas Kristof , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Salman Rushdie , Sarajevo , Somalia , Yemen

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…
Added on 26/09/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Charlie Hebdo , East Asia , France , Innocence of Muslims , Islam , Media outlets , Middle East , President , Salman Rushdie , South Asia , The New York Times , UN Court , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: In France they have laws to deal with hate speech but they’re applied inconsistently. In many ways France is a good example to other countries
Added on 18/09/2012
America , Anders Behring Breivik , Cairo , CNN , Edward Said , Egypt , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Journalism , Kate Middleton , Libya , Media coverage , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newsweek , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , princess , Rupert Murdoch , Salman Rushdie , Terry Jones , United States , YouTube

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.
Added on 19/11/2011
Censorship , Egypt , Hizballah , Internet censorship , Israel , Libya , Literature , Saddam Hussein , Salman Rushdie , The Star , The Toronto Star , Toronto Star , Tripoli , Tunisia

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Who knows – it could set the template for a wave of such events. Libya’s ‘Book Un-Banning Ceremony’ is worth celebrating.
Added on 14/07/2011
Common Ground News Service
Arabs , Beirut , Dubai , Greece , Iraq , Lebanon , London , Multiculturalism , Nada Akl , Poland , Portugal , Salman Rushdie , School of Oriental and African Studies , Sweden , United Kingdom

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A festival held recently in London brought Arabs and non-Arabs together to reflect upon and celebrate true mutliculturalism.