Common Ground News Service

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

Israelis and Pakistanis: Unlikely Connections?

DAHLIA SCHIENDLIN, CGNEWS: It was the people rather than the politics that first attracted me to Pakistan. We have a lot in common.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Cooking For Peace’: Discovering Shared Values

DAVID AMITAI, CGNEWS: In the fevered environment that exists between Palestinians and Jews finding ways to encourage dialogue requires creativity.


Palestine: Where Israel ‘Field Tests’ Both Its Own and American Weapons

Palestine: Where Israel ‘Field Tests’ Both Its Own and American Weapons

ALLISON DEGER, MONDOWEISS: It’s a business worth more than $4 trillion so manufacturers of weapons are keen to know if reality matches the brochure.

 Common Ground News Service

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

DAHLIA SCHEINDLIN, CGNEWS: There are a group of people who, it would appear, support Barack Obama’s vision (and that of most of the rest of the world) for a Palestinian State.

 Jonathan Cook

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.