Jonathan Cook

‘Ugly, Blatant Racism’ Playing Out in Israel’s Elections

‘Ugly, Blatant Racism’ Playing Out in Israel’s Elections

JONATHAN COOK: It seems to have fallen under the radar of the news-reporting community but some very unpleasant campaigning has been going on in this week’s elections

 mai abdul rahman

An ‘Israeli Spring’ for Palestine? The Call Is Out

An ‘Israeli Spring’ for Palestine? The Call Is Out

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s a bold move and one that is sure to cause much aggression and derision to be directed his way. What’s the story behind the brutality?

 Juan Cole

Israel’s ‘Journey to the Right’ Is Set To Continue

Israel’s ‘Journey to the Right’ Is Set To Continue

KIRK BEATTIE, INFORMED COMMENT: The ultimate Middle East nightmare – a small group of religious extremists in charge of nuclear weapons could happen soon – in Israel.


This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: If you want to understand what’s happening in Palestine/Israel it’s essential to understand Zionism. Where is it mentioned though?

 Juan Cole

The Ten ‘To Dos’ That Will Guarantee Gaza Ceasefire

The Ten ‘To Dos’ That Will Guarantee Gaza Ceasefire

JUAN COLE: Achieving a ceasefire is significant but if it’s to remain in place all parties must use the gap in hostilities to secure real progress.

 Richard Silverstein

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

Israel Master, U.S. the Poodle: How did this Happen?

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Previous presidents would make sure, for the sake of their own prestige and stature, that they put such chutzpah in its place. Not this president.

 Juan Cole

U.S. Democracy: The Billionaires Only Game

U.S. Democracy: The Billionaires Only Game

JUAN COLE: After Nicolas Sarkozy lost the presidency in France, SWAT teams went into his house looking for evidence that he had received $50,000 illicitly from the L’oreal heiress. $50,000? Our politicians get that in their sleep.

 Juan Cole

Romney: Hapless in London, Insulting in Israel

Romney: Hapless in London, Insulting in Israel

JUAN COLE: The trip of Republic Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Israel is in bad taste for lots of reasons. Here are just 10 reasons as to why…


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire

 Juan Cole

Censorship Undone: CBS Stands Up to Israeli Pressure

Censorship Undone: CBS Stands Up to Israeli Pressure

JUAN COLE: A report on the plight of Palestinian Christians proved to be too much for the Israeli authorities.

 Juan Cole

Israel in Race With Time: ‘Give Peace a Chance?’

Israel in Race With Time: ‘Give Peace a Chance?’

JUAN COLE: The maths speaks for itself – a country of 7.5 million people is surrounded by 400 others with whom it seems to be at constant odds.

 Juan Cole

Netanyahu: The ‘Mr Wrong’ of the Middle East

Netanyahu: The ‘Mr Wrong’ of the Middle East

JUAN COLE: If there’s one person you can count on to mis-read virtually every aspect of developments in the Middle East today it’s Binyamin Netanyahu.

 Juan Cole

Palestinian UN Move ‘Too Little, Too Late’

Palestinian UN Move ‘Too Little, Too Late’

JUAN COLE: The Palestinians are heading to the U.N this week hoping to change the dynamics of the wretched situation they find themselves in.