Added on 03/10/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Bush , Bush Administration , Central America , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Eisenhower , elected president , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Golan Heights , Governor , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muammar Qaddafi , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Pentagon , President , Republican Party , Romney , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Taliban , Tel Aviv , UN General Assembly , UN Security Council , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , United States Army , US government , US intelligence , Washington , West Bank
![A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney](
JUAN COLE: The Presidential candidate appears to be entirely clueless about the recent history of US involvement in the region. Heres’ some help.
Added on 27/09/2012
Richard Silverstein
Afghanistan , America , Bill Keller , Clarion Fund , Haaretz , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Media , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Muslims , Newsweek , Nicholas Kristof , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Salman Rushdie , Sarajevo , Somalia , Yemen
![Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage” Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”](
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…
Added on 14/09/2012
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi Netanyahu , Congress , David Remnick , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jerusalem , Joe Klein , Knesset , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , NBC , Netanyahu government , Netanyahu’s government , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabin , Shaul Mofaz , The New Yorker , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank
![It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran](
PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?
Added on 03/07/2012
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Lewis , Cairo , Clinton , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George Bush , George W. Bush , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Hiroshima , Hizballah , Iraq , Islam , Islamophobia , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , legal systems , Libya , Likud Party , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Nagasaki , New York city , New York Times , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peter King , President , Rutgers University , Secretary of State , Somalia , Soviet Union , the Associated Press , The New York Times , United States , Washington DC , World Trade Center , Yemen
![The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia](
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire
Added on 29/06/2012
Jonathan Cook
Iran , Middle East Opinions of America , Syria , United States
![The God Complex: The West’s Right to War in the Middle East The God Complex: The West’s Right to War in the Middle East](
Jonathan Cook: If the West succeeds in its proxy intervention in Syria and disables yet another Arab state for refusing to toe its line, the stage will be set for the next target: Iran.
Added on 05/04/2012
David Roberts
Iran , Israel , Middle East Opinions of America , United States
![Iran ‘2 Years from Nuclear Weapon’…in 1984 Iran ‘2 Years from Nuclear Weapon’…in 1984](
DAVID ROBERTS: It’s a familiar theme – Iran is close to producing a nuclear weapon and time is running out. What can Israel do?
Added on 30/03/2012
Africa , America , Civil society , Democracy , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , good journalist , Journalism , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York Times , Oil , the National Review , Thomas Friedman , United States , US Federal Reserve , Yemen
![The Myth That is Values-Based Analysis The Myth That is Values-Based Analysis](
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The U.S should only support regimes that believe in ‘our values’, says Tom Friedman. Really?
Added on 16/02/2012
Common Ground News Service
Benyamin Netanyahu , Hannah Arendt , Israel , Jerusalem , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New Israel Fund , Palestine , Remembrance Day , U.S. Congress
![Detangling the Holocaust from Politics Detangling the Holocaust from Politics](
MORIEL ROTHMAN, CGNEWS: I found my recent visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial deeply troubling.
Added on 14/02/2012
Richard Silverstein
America , Central Intelligence Agency , China , Egypt , Eli Lake , Europe , Food and Drink , George Bush , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Netanyahu , New Delhi , North Korea , Oil , oil customer , Oil Embargo , Oil Price , oil sales , oil shipments , Pakistan , President , Saudi Arabia , Strait of Hormuz , Tehran , The NY Times , The Times , U.S. , United States , vice chairman , Washington
![U.S., Israel Iranian Delusions Continue U.S., Israel Iranian Delusions Continue](
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: What if we can’t find alternates? What if Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya can’t fill the gap? What if the oil price goes through the roof?
Added on 30/12/2011
Juan Cole
Abdullah , Al Qaeda , Algeria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ali Khamenei , Arab Spring , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Baath Party in Syria , Bahrain , Balkans , Ben Ali , Binyamin Netanyahu , Bush Administration , David Cameron , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Europe , France , G8 , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Joe Biden , Libya , Manama , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Misrata , Moncef Marzouki , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , School of Oriental and African Studies , Social services , Supreme , Suzanne Mubarak , Syria , Syrian National Council , Tahrir Square , Tel Aviv , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Washington , West Bank , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Yemen
![‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring ‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring](
JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.
Added on 29/12/2011
Common Ground News Service
Common Ground News Service , Egypt , Iran , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Maryland , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Morocco , New Jersey , Obama administration , Palestinian Territories , United Arab Emirates , United States , University of Maryland
![The View from Over Here: Shifting Perceptions of the U.S. Post Arab Spring The View from Over Here: Shifting Perceptions of the U.S. Post Arab Spring](
SALIBA SARSAR: Surveying 3000 people in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and the UAE, the poll assessed attitudes toward US- MidEast relations.
Added on 12/09/2011
Juan Cole
9/11 , Abdel Bari Atwan , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Cairo , Central Intelligence Agency , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld , Egypt , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Journalist , Libya , Martin Luther King Jr. , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mustafa Abdel Jalil , national government , Northern Pakistan , oil fields , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Pentagon , President , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Sayyid Qutb , Tahrir Square , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , US government , Washington , Western Europe , Yemen
![Democracy: More Valued by Arabs than Americans? Democracy: More Valued by Arabs than Americans?](
JUAN COLE: Al Qaeda’s vision for the Arab World has been comprehensively rejected. It appears that Arabs – in particular, young Arabs – are prepared to put their lives on the line, not for a Caliphate, but for parliamentary democracy.
Added on 03/09/2011
Crossroads Arabia
America , Barack Obama , Christians , Democratic Party , Democrats , House of Representatives , Hussein Shobokshi , Middle East Opinions of America , President , Republic Party , Republican Party , Republicans , Rick Perry , Tea Party , Texas , United States , White House
![American Politics: The View From Over Here American Politics: The View From Over Here](
CROSSROADS ARABIA: Local commentators are premature in seeing the current debate as a reflection on the issues that will come to the fore in the presidential campaign.
Added on 30/07/2011
Abu Muhammed
America , Far East , html , India , Jeddah , Martin Luther King Jr. , metal detectors , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York , Obama , President , Saudi Arabia , the Associated Press , Tom Cruise , United States
![The United States: A Nice Place to Visit, But… The United States: A Nice Place to Visit, But…](
ABU MUHAMMED: Guys from India and such places in the Far East generally have the worst time with me popping their soap bubble of hope of the United States as being a paradise on earth…
Added on 21/07/2011
Susie of Arabia
Hollywood , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Movies , Washington
![Reel Bad Arabs: Hollywood’s Take on 325m People Reel Bad Arabs: Hollywood’s Take on 325m People](
SUSIE OF ARABIA: Here’s a game. Try to think of a positive portrayal of Arab life in a recent Hollywood movie? No, didn’t think you could.
Added on 11/06/2011
Juan Cole
Anthony Weiner , Columbia University , Congress , Gaza , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli navy , Lebanon , Mahatma Gandhi , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , President , South Africa , South Lebanon , The New York Times , United Nations , United States , West Bank
![Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner](
JUAN COLE: Forget about the ‘sexting scandal’, Anthony Weiner has a lot more to answer for than some private peccadilloes. His blind allegiance to Israel means that he’s played a uniformly sinister role on Middle East matters.
Added on 08/06/2011
Steve Royston
Abdullah II , Albert Einstein , Anwar Sadat , Arab League , Artist , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , CNN , Congress , Crown Prince , Democracy , Desmond Tutu , Egypt , Europe , Faisal , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hussain , Jordan , Kuwait , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Novelist , Ohio , Oil wealth , President , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , U.S. Congress , United States , Wael Ghonim , Washington
![Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States? Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States?](
STEVE ROYSTON: There are many reasons why the ‘Arab Voice’ is so weak in the United States. But that doesn’t give leaders and opinion formers an excuse.
Added on 09/02/2011
Boycott Divestment and Sanctions , California , Civil society , Europe , General Assembly , Germany , Illinois , International Court of Justice , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Latin America , legitimate tool , Maryland , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York , North Carolina , Obama , Olympics , Palestine , Pennsylvania , political tools , President , South Africa , U.S. Congress , United Nations , United States , US military , West Bank
![Frustration with U.S on Palestine Catalysing More Direct Measures Frustration with U.S on Palestine Catalysing More Direct Measures](
DAVID SCHWARTZMAN, MAI ABDUL, MONDOWEISS: The Middle East peace process is going nowhere fast and interested parties are giving up on the U.S.