
U.S To Israel and Vice Versa: ‘We Don’t Trust You’

U.S To Israel and Vice Versa: ‘We Don’t Trust You’

ADAM HOROWITZ: A joint military exercise, widely regarded as a precursor to a strike on Iran, has been dramatically scaled back. Why?

 Richard Silverstein

Settlements Strangle Hope For Two State Solution

Settlements Strangle Hope For Two State Solution

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: You can begin to see the battleground before you. One state, the question is whether this will be democratic, semi-democratic, or a Jewish-dominated theocracy.

 Common Ground News Service

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

FAIK TUNAY, CGNEWS: Relations between Israel and Turkey have deteriorated over the past two years. There is one issue at its heart.

 Richard Silverstein

Rachel Corrie – Not the First, Probably Not the Last

Rachel Corrie – Not the First, Probably Not the Last

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The IDF (and Border Police) are murderers. They kill civilians. Unarmed civilians. Who protest for justice and human rights. This is no defensive army.

 Juan Cole

Israel Apartheid, Avalon and the Smell of Fear

Israel Apartheid, Avalon and the Smell of Fear

JUAN COLE: Ayalon’s despererate and over-the-top rhetoric smells of fear, fear that when South Africa calls you on Apartheid policies, it legitimizes that critique of the Greater Israel project…


Young Palestinian Lynching: The Abyss Beckons

Young Palestinian Lynching: The Abyss Beckons

MONDOWEISS: The attack on four Palestinian teenagers last week could mark the beginning of a descent that has been actively encouraged by right-wing rhetoric

 mai abdul rahman

Israel’s Moral Crisis is a Palestinian Problem Too

Israel’s Moral Crisis is a Palestinian Problem Too

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The lives of Palestinians and Israelis are intertwined and interconnected. The actions of one group inevitably impact the other.

 Common Ground News Service

Auschwitz Visit: An Anti-Palestine Media Agenda?

Auschwitz Visit: An Anti-Palestine Media Agenda?

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY: The visit by a Palestinian official was not deemed suitable to receive strong coverage only its condemnation by Hamas

 Juan Cole

‘Diplomatic Ruin’, ‘International Isolation’: Peres Has Enough

‘Diplomatic Ruin’, ‘International Isolation’: Peres Has Enough

JUAN COLE: Netanyahu and Barak were intent on boxing Obama into a corner. But the wily octogenarian, Shimon Peres, has stepped in.

 Juan Cole

U.S. Democracy: The Billionaires Only Game

U.S. Democracy: The Billionaires Only Game

JUAN COLE: After Nicolas Sarkozy lost the presidency in France, SWAT teams went into his house looking for evidence that he had received $50,000 illicitly from the L’oreal heiress. $50,000? Our politicians get that in their sleep.

 Richard Silverstein

Israel’s Insatiable Military: Billions Demanded for ‘Arab Spring Threat’

Israel’s Insatiable Military: Billions Demanded for ‘Arab Spring Threat’

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The treasury is proposing $12-billion, while Defense $15-billion. According to Haaretz, Netanyahu is expected to go with the Defense Ministry

 Ramzy Baroud

American ‘NeoCons’ Eye Arab Spring Spoils

American ‘NeoCons’ Eye Arab Spring Spoils

RAMZY BAROUD: After a short respite, neoconservatives are back with their bizarre maps, bleak visions, and a fail-proof recipe for perpetual conflict.

 Jonathan Cook

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

JONATHAN COOK: … Expropriations would become a staple of life over the next three decades as more than 70 per cent of the land belonging to Palestinians was nationalized

 Richard Silverstein

Israel Facing a Harsher, Less Predictable World

Israel Facing a Harsher, Less Predictable World

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: There are forces out there seeking to capitalize on the Arab Spring: It’s s a different world Israel is facing. A harsher world, one more difficult to control.


Mitt Romney: The Laughing Stock of Jerusalem

Mitt Romney: The Laughing Stock of Jerusalem

PHILIP WEISS: Shopkeepers in East Jerusalem joke about Romney’s speech. The implications of it, however, are all too serious

 Francis Matthew

Romney: A Return to a Black and White Foreign Policy

Romney: A Return to a Black and White Foreign Policy

FRANCIS MATTHEW: US Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is suggesting a dangerous return to a simplistic foreign policy in which foreigners are divided simply into friends and foes.

 Richard Silverstein

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: An Israeli leader who neither respects nor fears an American president is a recipe for disaster both for Israel and America. Obama has yet to find that out.

 Crossroads Arabia

MidEast Journalism: Whatever it Was, It Never Happened

MidEast Journalism: Whatever it Was, It Never Happened

CROSSROADS ARABIA: These stories serve as a useful reminder: Be very skeptical about any reporting coming out of the Middle East.

 Editor, MEP

Romney Infers Israelis Culturally Superior

VIDEO, AP: Romney enrages Palestinians inferring Israelis were culturally superior over their Palestinian neighbours – the evidence being a more dynamic economy…

 Richard Silverstein

Crossing the Line: Level of Settlement Spend Revealed

Crossing the Line: Level of Settlement Spend Revealed

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The document, prepared for the U.S. government (which deducts from foreign aid expenditures monies spent by Israel on settlements), has so far been kept a secret…

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