Added on 06/10/2012
Jonathan Cook
Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Danny Ayalon , Egypt , General Assembly , Germany , Iraq , Israel , Israeli government , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Morocco , Mossad , Netanyahu’s government , New York , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , U.S. Congress , UN Security Council , United Nations , United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East , United States , Yemen , YouTube

JONATHAN COOK: A campaign initiated in 2009 now appears to be gathering strength namely equation of Palestinians with Jews who fled Arab countries.
Added on 14/09/2012
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi Netanyahu , Congress , David Remnick , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jerusalem , Joe Klein , Knesset , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , NBC , Netanyahu government , Netanyahu’s government , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabin , Shaul Mofaz , The New Yorker , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank

PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?
Added on 27/07/2012
European Union , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Netanyahu , Netanyahu’s government , Obama , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Shaul Mofaz , The Guardian , The New York Times

ILENE COHEN, MONDOWEISS: Goodbye ‘Two State Solution’, Goodbye ‘Right of Return’, Goodbye Palestine. Dani Dayan spells out the real vision
Added on 21/05/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Binyamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Fatah , George Mitchell , Hamas , Israel , Jerusalem , Khaled Meshaal , Middle East , Minister of Justice , Netanyahu’s government , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Prime Minister , Tel Aviv , The Guardian , Tzipi Livni , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

RAMZY BAROUD: The newly unified Palestinian leadership faces a very rough few months in the lead-up to the key United Nations vote in September.
Added on 26/11/2010
Ramzy Baroud
Aaron David Miller , Arab League , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , China , Congress , Europe , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hilary Clinton , Iran , Israel , Jerusalem , Latin America , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Netanyahu’s government , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , President , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , The Jerusalem Post , The New York Times , Turkey , U.S. Congress , UN Security Council , United States , West Bank , White House

RAMZY BAROUD: It looks like President Obama will finish his term having secured no advance in Arab-Israeli negotiations. The Israelis do the talking, Washington does the listening. And the giving…