Added on 14/09/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Gaza Strip , Hamas , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Oslo , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Ramallah , United Nations General Assembly observers , War/Conflict , Yasser Arafat

RAMZY BAROUD: The physical distance between Gaza and Ramallah belies the significant issues surrounding Palestinian identity today.
Added on 27/05/2013
Abboushi , Ahdaf Soueif , Ali Abunimah , Entertainment/Culture , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Gillian Slovo , Lina Attalah , Middle East , Palestine Festival of Literature , Palestinian literature , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , Tareq Abboushi

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The organisers of this year’s Palestine Lit Fest have decided to ignore, as much as possible, the physical barriers separating Palestinians
Added on 19/03/2013
Arab–Israeli conflict , Barack Obama , Israel , Israel and the apartheid analogy , Israeli settlement , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Ramallah , State of Palestine , United States , War/Conflict , West Bank

ALLISON DEGER, MONDOWEISS: You won’t find many people in Ramallah whose expectations of President Obama’s visit are higher than rock bottom
Added on 11/03/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Arafat Jaradat , Bil'in , Emad Burnat , Israeli settlement , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Modi'in Illit , Oscar , PA , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , Ramallah and al-Bireh Governorate , War/Conflict , West Bank

RAMZY BAROUD: It may not have won the Oscar for which it was nominated but it is a compelling story nonetheless.
Added on 02/02/2013
Juan Cole
Asia , Fertile Crescent , Ibrahim Bornat , Jerusalem , Layla Quran , Music of Palestine , Outline of the Palestinian territories , Palestinian art , Palestinian people , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , United States , War/Conflict , West Bank

LAYLA QURAN, INFORMED COMMENT: Last Summer I travelled with my father to Palestine to interview leading artists, poets and musicians.
Added on 01/11/2012
Common Ground News Service
communications technology , Economy , Energy , Israel , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , Social Media , United States , West Bank , Women , Women's issues

MORGAN MCDANIEL, CGNEWS: Palestinian women are finding creative ways to engage both socially and economically in the face of many restrictions.
Added on 22/10/2012
Ameer Makhoul , Christian Palestinians , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Haifa , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli military , law student , Negev , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Ramallah , United Nations , United States , West Bank

SAM BAHOUR, MONDOWEISS: While the world’s attention is focused on Gaza and the West Bank Palestinian citizens of Israel present unique issues.
Added on 16/10/2012
Common Ground News Service
Gaza , Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Hebron , Israel , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Nablus , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , President , Prime Minister , Ramallah , Salam Fayyad , West Bank

DAWOUD ABU LEBDEH, CGNEWS: Its role is minimal compared to that envisaged in the Oslo Accords. Faced with a threat to its existence what should PA do?
Added on 09/10/2012
James M. Dorsey
Barcelona , BBC , Europe , Fatah , FIFA , Football , Gaza , Gaza City , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Human Rights Watch , Islamic Jihad , Israel , Jerusalem , Jibril Rajoub , Madrid , Mahmoud Abbas , Mahmoud Sarsak , Middle East , New York , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Football Association , Palestinian national movement , President , Ramallah , Real Madrid , Soccer , Spain , UEFA , United Nations , West Bank

JAMES M. DORSEY: Palestinians of all ages are huge fans of the Spanish football giants Barcelona FC. When Hamas called for a boycott of their match this week it fell on deaf ears.
Added on 24/08/2012
Benjamin Netanyahu , Eli Yishai , Facebook , Haaretz , Institute for Middle East Understanding , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli Knesset , Israeli police , Jerusalem , Palestine , Prime Minister , Rabbi , Ramallah , Tel Aviv

MONDOWEISS: The attack on four Palestinian teenagers last week could mark the beginning of a descent that has been actively encouraged by right-wing rhetoric
Added on 29/07/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Arab League , Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Fatah , Ghassan Kanafani , Hamas , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Mossad , Novelist , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , Rashad Abu Shawar , Refugees , Saddam Hussein , Syria , Television network , The Jerusalem Post , United Nations , United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: There has been a flood of Palestinian refugees into Syria and they’re facing desperate times.
Added on 12/07/2012
Jonathan Cook
Activist , Afghanistan , Al Aqsa Mosque , Al-Aqsa , Ariel Sharon , Army Radio , Bedouin , Belgium , Benjamin Netanyahu , California , Eid , Europe , France , Germany , Grand Mosque , Haaretz , Hebrew University , Human Rights Association , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli police , Jaffa , Jerusalem , Mediterranean coast , Nazareth , Negev , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Rabbi , Ramallah , Sea of Galilee , Sudan , Supreme Court , Tel Aviv , the Heritage , United States , US State Department , West Bank , Western Wall

JONATHAN COOK: Proof that Israel has been engaging in a proactive campaign to destroy Islamic places of worship under its control is there for all to see.
Added on 11/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Egypt , Europe , Haaretz , Israel , Israeli army , Lebanon , Levant , Libya , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Africa , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Ramallah , Syria , Tunisia , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: The changes throughout the Arab world have made Israel very nervous indeed. And a nervous Israel is a dangerous Israel.
Added on 13/03/2012
Common Ground News Service
Aziz Abu Sarah , Center for World Religions , DC , Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution , Egypt , George Mason University , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Ramallah , tour guide , Turkey , Virginia , Washington , Western Wall

AZIZ ABU SARAH, TALIA SALEM, CGNEWS: A new, self-funding tourism initiative promotes active interfaith dialogue.
Added on 07/03/2012
Common Ground News Service
Academy Award , Actress , Al Quds , Cairo , Egypt , European Union , film director , Five Broken Cameras , Israel , Jerusalem , journalist and writer , Khaled Diab , Middle East , Palestine , Ramallah , Tel Aviv , United States , West Bank , , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

KHALED DIAB, CGNEWS: East Jerusalem is undergoing a cultural renaissance but what will be the ultimate end?
Added on 10/02/2012
Common Ground News Service
Andrea Bocelli , Barcelona , Facebook , Hassan bin Talal , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Israel , Jordan , Journalist , Kuwait , Middle East , Palestine , Ramallah , Ruth Eglash , Saeb Erekat , Secretary of State , The Jerusalem Post , United Nations , United States

RUTH EGLASH, CGNEWS: An online movement formed by Palestinians and Israelis has garnered impressive support. But will it make any difference?
Added on 06/02/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Abu Dhabi , Abu Dhabi's Executive Council , Berlin , Brookings Institution , deputy chairman , Dubai , Egypt , Europe , Guggenheim , Iran , Las Vegas , Louvre Abu Dhabi , Massachusetts , New York , Paris , Ramallah , Saadiyat Island , Saud , Saudi Arabia , Spain , Tehran , The Guardian , the Louvre , The New York Times , UAE , United Arab Emirates , Zayed National Museum

ROB L. WAGNER: The Abu Dhabi authorities surprisingly announced the resurrection of their three-museum project. Who’s it for, though?
Added on 01/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Birzeit University , Facebook , Gaza , Hamas , Israel , Palestine , Ramallah , Social Media , West Bank , Women , Women's issues

NIDA TUMA, CGNEWS: A newly established group is using Facebook to try and generate genuine debate between Palestinian women at different ends of the political spectrum.
Added on 12/12/2011
Activist , Barcelona , Israel , Israeli army , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Ramadan , Ramallah , Tear gas , United Nations , West Bank

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: The killing of Mustafa Tamimi by IDF troops has shocked ‘the unshockable’ population of Palestine, as well as the wider world at large.
Added on 01/09/2011
Common Ground News Service
Al Jazeera , Al-Aqsa , BBC , Birzeit University , Civil society , Common Ground News Service , Fatah , Gaza , government services , Hamas , Israel , Journalism , Ma’an , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organisation , Palestinian Territories , Qatar , Ramallah , Saudi Arabia , United Kingdom , West Bank

NIDA TUMA, CGNEWS: With the attention of all the major news organisations fixed on the ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions, Palestine has dropped down the news agenda. Ma’an TV is set to address this issue.