Added on 02/12/2013
Sawsan Morrar
Amman , Basima Fayez , Domestic worker , Indonesia , Jordan , Labor , Linda Kalash , Middle East , Social Issues

SAWSAN MORRAR: It’s a problem that’s growing by the day but little appears to be done to address the issue of underage domestic workers in Jordan
Added on 20/11/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Bangladesh , Denmark , Europe , Indonesia , Islam , Islamophobia , Myanmar , Religion

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: I’m deeply concerned about the growing Islamophobia in Europe. I’m doing my bit to confront it.
Added on 23/10/2012
Abu Muhammed
Hajj , Indonesia , Islam , Jeddah , King Saud University , Mecca , New Year's Day , Saudi Arabia , Yemen

ABU MOHAMMED: There will always be some little detail from your first Hajj that will stay with you as the years roll by.
Added on 15/10/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Benazir Bhutto , Cambodia , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Iran , Islamabad , Jordan , Karachi , Kuwait , Malala Yousufzai , Mediterranean , Middle East , Morocco , Northern Pakistan , Pakistan , Pakistani military , Prime Minister , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Solar energy , South Asia , Soviet Union , Swat Valley , Taliban , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States

JUAN COLE: The Taliban are widely despised among the population of rural Pakistan. The biggest threat facing girls in this environment is a government that doesn’t care
Added on 02/10/2012
Abu Dhabi , Afghanistan , Arabian Gulf , Asia , Congo , Energy , Fifa World Cup , Gaza Strip , Imran Khan , India , Indonesia , Islamabad , Israel , New York city , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Ron Paul , South Asia , Taliban , United Kingdom , United States , West Asia

PAM BAILEY, MONDOWEISS: When I inform my friends that I’m heading to Waziristan to find out about the reality of drone attacks they’re rather concerned
Added on 19/09/2012
Alexander McNabb
Egypt , Google+ , India , Indonesia , Innocence of Muslims , Islam , Libya , Malaysia , Telecommunications , Telecommunications Regulatory Authority , UAE , United Arab Emirates , YouTube
ALEXANDER MCNABB: Internet users in the UAE will not be able to see ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ and see for themselves what a foul work it is.
Added on 03/08/2012
Francis Matthew
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Brazil , China , Egypt , Foreign Policy , Gaza , George W. Bush , Hamas , Hizballah , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , South Africa , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , United Nations , United States

FRANCIS MATTHEW: US Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is suggesting a dangerous return to a simplistic foreign policy in which foreigners are divided simply into friends and foes.
Added on 30/07/2012
Abu Muhammed
Africa , America , Arab Spring , Arabian Peninsula , Arabs , Congo , Gandhi , Gulf Arab , Gulf council , India , Indonesia , Kansas , Middle East , Oil wealth , Palestinian Territories , South Africa , Supreme Court , UAE , UN Court , United States

‘In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.’ Thurgood Marshall A recent article on the Al Jazeera News website by Sudha G. Tilak titled Whitening Cream: Fair deal for India’s Women? —took me back to the days growing up black in the US; years before the hay days of […]
Added on 28/07/2012
Juan Cole
Africa , Algeria , Brunei , Football , Indonesia , judo , London , Olympics , Qatar , Ramadan , Religious law , Saudi Arabia , Senegal , Soccer , Sport , Summer Olympics , Women
JUAN COLE: These are the first Olympic Games where women from every country in the world are participating. There is a bigger question for Saudis.
Added on 07/07/2012
The View From Fez
California , Carrefour , Coca cola , Coke , Europe , Indonesia , Malaysia , Ministry of Agriculture , Ministry of Health , Morocco , Pepsi , Saudi Arabia , Turkey , United States

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: In spite of the cool words issued by cola manufacturers there is still great concern across the Muslim world regarding ingredients.
Added on 10/06/2012
Abu Muhammed
India , Indonesia , Jeddah police , mechanic , Pakistan , SAR , Saudi Arabia , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States

ABU MOHAMMED: It’s a severe test of all of your senses, powers of observation and self-control – yes, driving in Saudi Arabia is an experience
Added on 15/05/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Anders Behring Breivik , Bahrain , Church of the Nativity , Congress , Daniel Pipes , Department of Defense , Egypt , G20 , Hiroshima , Indonesia , Islam , Jordan , Kuwait , Mecca , Michigan , Middle East , Morocco , Norfolk , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Pakistan , Pentagon , President , Renaissance Party , Robert Spencer , Spencer Ackerman , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US military , Virginia , Washington , Washington DC

JUAN COLE: The Pentagon has launched an investigation into a class on Islam which characterises all Muslims as radical, violent extremists
Added on 12/05/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Australia , British Museum , France , Front National , Indonesia , Islam , Israel , Literature , London , Malaysia , New York , Paris , Public Relations , Saadiyat Island , Saudi Arabia , the Louvre

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: While arts from the Muslim world are widely celebrated in the West, they are less appreciated within umma.
Added on 18/04/2012
Common Ground News Service
BBC , Facebook , Indonesia , Italy , Middle East , Pakistan , Skype , The Guardian , The New York Times , Women , Women's issues

MARWA HELAL, CGNEWS: A collection of stories about Muslim women’s love lives has struck a global chord.
Added on 13/04/2012
Juan Cole
Africa , Ali Khamenei , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Asia , Binyamin Netanyahu , BP , British government , China , Congress , Electricity , European Union , Food and Drink , France , Germany , Greece , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iranian government , Iranian parliament , Iran’s central bank , Iraq , Israel , Italy , Japan , Latin America , Leon Panetta , Manmohan Singh , Middle East , Obama , Obama administration , Oil , oil fields , oil imports , oil prices , Oil production , oil profits , Persian Gulf , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of Defense , South Korea , South Sudan , Soviet Union , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. intelligence , United Kingdom , United States , Washington , Winston Churchill

JUAN COLE: It’s well worth looking at previous situations where major powers tried to use economics to bring Iran to heel.
Added on 16/03/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Domestic Servants , Filipino , Indonesia , Labour , Ministry of Labor , Philippines , Rights , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudi Press Agency

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Philippine, Indonesia making “illogical” demands over the pay and conditions their citizens will receive – Saudi Labor Ministry.
Added on 12/02/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Birmingham , Brunei , Carrefour , Food and Drink , France , Indonesia , Malaysia , Oil , Philippines , Singapore , United Kingdom

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The race is on to establish powerful international ‘halal brands’. The stakes are high: by some estimates $500bn a year.
Added on 20/10/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Abu Dhabi , Ali Sabat , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Chechnya , Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice , Holy Qur'an , Indonesia , Morocco , Oman , Philips , Poet , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice , Saudi court , Shoura Council , Sudan , Tara Umm Omar , Turkey , Yanbu , Yemen

ROB L. WAGNER: A recent ruling by the Shoura Council in Saudi Arabia has brought the issue of black magic to the fore again. Its influence is huge.
Added on 07/10/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Abu Dhabi , Bloomberg , Dubai , Europe , Fashion , First Lady , Indonesia , Jakarta , London , London College of Fashion , Malaysia , New York , North America , Paris , Singapore , The Washington Post , United Kingdom , Washington

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Bloomberg has estimated the global Muslim fashion market could be worth $96bn. For comparisons, the entire UK fashion industry is valued at £21bn.
Added on 06/10/2011
AED , Afghanistan , Asia , Carrefour , China , Dubai , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Oman , Syria , Turkey , UAE , Vietnam , Yemen

THE HEDONISTA: ‘No photos’, ‘No Fixed Price’, ‘Come back later?’ Ah yes, the recurrent phrases heard buying ‘Dubai Kitsch’. So what’s the best way to go about it?