Added on 05/09/2013
Al-Assad family , America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Asia , Assad family , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , Chemical weapons , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Henry Waxman , International reactions to the 2011–2012 Syrian uprising , Iran , Israel , Israel lobby in the United States , Middle East , Mira Resnick , Politics , Republican Jewish Coalition , Senate , Syria , Syrian uprising , United States , War/Conflict , White House
MONDOWEISS: As the vote in Congress nears there is one group of ‘cheerleaders for war’ who are working particularly hard.
Added on 03/09/2013
American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Asia , Barack Obama , Chemical weapons , Congress , Fertile Crescent , Levant , Obama , Politics , President , Social Issues , Syria , United States , War/Conflict
MONDOWEISS: Is he about extracting the U.S from costly and involved foreign conflict or in favour of same? Maybe he’s the Drone Strike President?
Added on 25/07/2013
Juan Cole
Anthony Weiner , Asia , Congress , Foreign relations of the Palestinian National Authority , Gaza Strip , Gaza War , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Joseph Massad , Mahatma Gandhi , Middle East , Palestinian National Authority , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian Territories , Palestinian terrorism , Politics , State of Palestine , United Nations General Assembly observers , War/Conflict , West Bank , Western Asia
JUAN COLE: Weiner’s been caught out again. The really big deal about him though is his unwavering support for virulently anti-Palestinian policies
Added on 24/05/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Barack Obama foreign policy , Central Intelligence Agency , Congress , Drone attacks in Pakistan , Government , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Islamism , Obama , Politics , President , United States , Unmanned aerial vehicle , US government , War in Afghanistan
JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.
Added on 22/01/2013
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Afghanistan National Army , al-Udeid Air Base , Ali Khamenei , America , Bahrain , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Dick Cheney , Elliot Abrams , Eric Cantor , France , George W. Bush , Iran , Iran–United States relations , Iraq , Isfahan , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israeli Likud , Israeli Military Strength , Lindsey Graham , Mahdi Army , Mali , Manama , Michelle Bachmann , Middle East , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Nuclear program of Iran , Obama , Opposition to military action against Iran , Pakistan , Pentagon , Qatar , Shimon Peres , Somalia , Soviet Union , Tehran , United States , Washington , Yemen
JUAN COLE: President Obama’s inauguration speech is sure to trigger panic among the ‘we must have war’ crowd. But does he really mean it?
Added on 07/01/2013
America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Department of Defense , Emergency Committee for Israel , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israeli government , Jim Lobe , Josh Block , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama , President , Prime Minister , Republican Jewish Coalition , Republican Party , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Steve Walt , The Guardian , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington , White House
PHILIP WEISS: The widely floated possibility of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defence Secretary looks a reality. Who will fight against it?
Added on 15/12/2012
America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Co-Chairman , Congress , Eli Lake , Emergency Committee for Israel , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Israel , Josh Block , Lebanon , Max Fisher , Pentagon , President , Republican Guard , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Sergeant , Steve Walt , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington
MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks
Added on 09/11/2012
Francis Matthew
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Congress , Department of State , Guantanamo Bay , Hillary Clinton , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Israel , John Kerry , Keith Ellison , Minnesota , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Senate , Susan Rice , Tom Donilon , U.S. Presidential Elections , UN Security Council , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank
FRANCIS MATTHEW:Obama failed to deliver this vision in his first term, and sadly, it is unlikely that he will use his second term to re-find his sense of purpose in the world.
Added on 31/10/2012
James M. Dorsey
Arab Spring , Congress , East Africa , Fatah , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Iran , Israel , Middle East , North Africa , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , UN General Assembly , United Nations , United States , West Bank
JAMES M. DORSEY: Many Arab countries are now preoccupied with their own internal issues which has seen Palestine slip down the agenda.
Added on 30/09/2012
Africa , America , Assad , Barack Obama , BP , China , Congress , George W. Bush , Governor , Iran , Israel , Jesus Christ , Joe Biden , Kenya , Lincoln , Middle East , Mitt Romney , MSNBC , Obama , Palestinian Authority , President , Presidential debates , Romney , Sarah Palin , sitting president , Somalia , Syria , Todd Aiken , United Nations , United States , White House
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The format is stale, it’s all so controlled and choreographed that very little of substance will be revealed. So why bother?
Added on 14/09/2012
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi Netanyahu , Congress , David Remnick , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jerusalem , Joe Klein , Knesset , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , NBC , Netanyahu government , Netanyahu’s government , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabin , Shaul Mofaz , The New Yorker , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank
PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?
Added on 09/09/2012
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Albania , America , Barack Obama , California , Cambodia , China , Clinton , Congress , Energy , George W. Bush , Hitler , Impotence , Internal Revenue Service , Iraq , Israel , Japan , Jerusalem , Lincoln , Lyndon Johnson , Middle East , midwife , Mitt Romney , National Front , North Carolina , Obama , Pakistan , Paranoia , Paris , Poland , President , prime minster , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , Russia , Sheldon Adelson , Sunday Times , The New York Times , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States , US Elections , US Treasury , Vietnam , White House
STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.
Added on 09/08/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Afghanistan , American Enterprise Institute , Beirut , Central Intelligence Agency , CNN , Congress , Conservatives , Egypt , Eric Edelman , Hizballah , Ileana Ros-Lehtinen , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , LA Times , Libya , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama administration , Saddam Hussein , Syria , The National Interest , Tunisia , United States , Washington , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy , Washington Post , Yemen
RAMZY BAROUD: After a short respite, neoconservatives are back with their bizarre maps, bleak visions, and a fail-proof recipe for perpetual conflict.
Added on 30/07/2012
Jonathan Cook
AED , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Congress , EUR , Europe , European Union , F-35 , Gaza , Israel , Manufacturing , Middle East , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , peaceful solution , Pentagon , Philips , President , Prospect magazine , Russia , Saudi Arabia , settlement products , United Nations , United States , West Bank , World Bank
JONATHAN COOK: The more that Israel’s international reputation plummets the more generous are Western powers. What should Palestinians do?
Added on 23/07/2012
Juan Cole
Arizona , Congress , Florida , George W. Bush , Governor , Hillary Clinton , House , Huma Abedin , Israel , Keith Ellison , Michele Bachmann , Michigan , Middle East , Mike Rogers , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Ohio , Pennsylvania , President , Republican Party , Saddam Hussein , The Huffington Post , United States , US Elections , US government , US intelligence
JUAN COLE: Remember how Florida in 2000 hung on just a few hundred votes. Well, there are over 250,000 Arab-Americans in Florida. They can all tell when someone is prejudiced.
Added on 17/07/2012
Richard Silverstein
Congress , Crime , Department of Justice , Internet , Israel , Israeli Knesset , Journalist , Social Media , U.S. administration , United Kingdom , United States , Uri Blau , Yemen
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: “…Extraditing a UK citizen to the U.S. to prosecute him for this? For linking? Where do they plan to put him when they get him: Guantanamo?”
Added on 12/07/2012
Mich Cafe
Congress , Electronic Frontier Foundation , free and open Internet , free press , Geneva , Hillary Clinton , Human Rights Council , Internet , Internet freedom , Internet users , Lebanon , Mich Cafe , Mobile Phones , Online activism , Secretary of State , Social Media , Twitter , United Nations , United Nations Human Rights Council , United States
MICH CAFE: The democratic freedoms enabled by access to the internet are under threat from a variety of sources.
Added on 06/07/2012
Juan Cole
Ahmad Shafiq , Al Qaeda , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Arab Spring , Bahrain , Brazil , Canada , Catholic Church , Congress , constitutional law , Egypt , Energy , France , George III , House of Representatives , Islah party , Ku Klux Klan , Libya , Massachusetts , Muhammad Mursi , Muslim Brotherhood , Oman , Poland , Prime Minister , Quebec , Red Cross , South Carolina , Syria , Tahrir Square , Thomas Jefferson , Tunisia , United States , Yemen
JUAN COLE: Americans have given up too soon on the Arab Spring. They have bought into overly large generalizations, some of them purveyed by right wing American pundits…
Added on 06/07/2012
mai abdul rahman
ABC , America , Arizona , Colonel , Congress , Declaration of Independence , George Washington , IBM , Islam , Massachusetts , Muslim Brotherhood , North America , North Carolina , Sculptor , Sierra Leone , Solar energy , Supreme Court , United Kingdom , United States , US Supreme Court , Virginia
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The contribution of Muslims to all aspects of American life is immense. It’s time that this was celebrated.
Added on 19/06/2012
Richard Silverstein
Bibi Netanyahu , China , Congress , Eric Cantor , Iran , Israel , John McCain , Las Vegas , Middle East , Obama , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Politics , President , Republican Jewish Coalition , Sheldon Adelson , The Huffington Post , The Washington Post , Turkey , United States
RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” Sheldon Adelson may not have breasts, but he sure has the money and the power.