Juan Cole

Malala: A Heroine Who Represents the Majority

Malala: A Heroine Who Represents the Majority

JUAN COLE: The Taliban are widely despised among the population of rural Pakistan. The biggest threat facing girls in this environment is a government that doesn’t care


‘A Bit Dangerous?’: My Plan to Meet Drone Victims

‘A Bit Dangerous?’: My Plan to Meet Drone Victims

PAM BAILEY, MONDOWEISS: When I inform my friends that I’m heading to Waziristan to find out about the reality of drone attacks they’re rather concerned

 Rob L. Wagner

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

ROB L. WAGNER: In France they have laws to deal with hate speech but they’re applied inconsistently. In many ways France is a good example to other countries

 Rob L. Wagner

Is It A ‘Right to Free Speech’ Or A ‘Right to Incite’?

Is It A ‘Right to Free Speech’ Or A ‘Right to Incite’?

ROB L. WAGNER: The makers of the film have been clear about their intentions in making it – to incite violence. What rights should they have?

 Mich Cafe

Child Brides: Action Is Being Taken At Last

Child Brides: Action Is Being Taken At Last

MICH CAFE: It’s an issue throughout the Arab world and beyond. Finally, it’s being addressed.

 Common Ground News Service

The Forgotten Legacy of Muslim Women In Sport

The Forgotten Legacy of Muslim Women In Sport

MARIUM SATTAR, CGNEWS: As we approach London 2012 it’s time to remember those Muslim women who led the way in sport


Hamlet: Is He The Arab World’s True Hero?

Hamlet: Is He The Arab World’s True Hero?

HUSSEIN OMAR, ARABLIT: Nasser had a ‘Caesar Complex’ but for Egyptians and many other Arabs there’s only one Shakespearean hero.

 Crossroads Arabia

Fines, Floggings and Jail for Female Harassers

Fines, Floggings and Jail for Female Harassers

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The Saudi Authorities have decided to crack down hard on young men who harass women in the Kingdom.

 Juan Cole

The Top Five Foreign Policy Changes That Face the United States in 2012

The Top Five Foreign Policy Changes That Face the United States in 2012

JUAN COLE: Many of the dangers to which I pointed in last year’s list still exist, of course, but a whole host of new difficulties has emerged.

 Common Ground News Service

Time for Muslims to Re-Discover their Voices

Time for Muslims to Re-Discover their Voices

SYDNEY SMITH: Most Muslims, it appears, are relieved that bin Laden is gone but how do they deal with the prejudice and suspicion engendered by his deeds?

 Steve Royston

Should the British Be Sorry For Past Mistakes?

Should the British Be Sorry For Past Mistakes?

STEVE ROYSTON: If by expressing disapproval of past wrong-doings we are saying we will not condone such acts now, is that apology not worth making?

 Steve Royston

Returning to ‘the New Bahrain’: It’s a Sadder Place

Returning to ‘the New Bahrain’: It’s a Sadder Place

STEVE ROYSTON: The past two weeks have witnessed enormous upheaval in the tiny island of Bahrain. On my return from holiday the changes are immediately evident.

 Steve Royston

Labour: The GCC’s Most Dangerous Addiction

Labour: The GCC’s Most Dangerous Addiction

STEVE ROYSTON: Low-paid migrant workers keep their host countries running by doing the jobs that the locals refuse to do. Their presence is resented by many.

 Sultan Al Qassemi

Stereotypes are a dressing for our own prejudice

Stereotypes are a dressing for our own prejudice

Stereotypes can be exacerbated by local customs and dress, but that is no reason for abandoning those things – rather it’s up to us to us to continue to challenge ignorance head on argues Sultan Al Qassemi.