Added on 10/10/2012
Alice Walker , Angela Davis , Diana Buttu , Ethan Heitner , Gaza , Israel , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Russell Tribunal on Palestine , Security Council , UN Security Council , United Nations , United States
MONDOWEISS: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine has concluded and issued its preliminary findings. It makes for very uncomfortable reading particularly for the U.S.
Added on 24/01/2011
Juan Cole
Abdel Bari Atwan , Diana Buttu , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Olmert government , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Qatar , Saeb Erekat , The Guardian , United Nations
JUAN COLE: The 1600 documents leaked to Al Jazeerah could spell the end of the PLO and drive the nail in the coffin of the so-called ‘peace process’.