Added on 18/05/2013
Juan Cole
Barack Obama , Benghazi , CBS NEWS INC. , Jimmy Carter , Politics , Republican Party , United States
JUAN COLE: There was a sustained attempt prior to the last U.S election to portray Barack Obama first as a latter day Jimmy Carter then as a Richard Nixon figure. Who did this?
Added on 07/01/2013
America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Department of Defense , Emergency Committee for Israel , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israeli government , Jim Lobe , Josh Block , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama , President , Prime Minister , Republican Jewish Coalition , Republican Party , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Steve Walt , The Guardian , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington , White House
PHILIP WEISS: The widely floated possibility of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defence Secretary looks a reality. Who will fight against it?
Added on 12/11/2012
mai abdul rahman
Afghanistan , Allen West , America , Barack Obama , Central Intelligence Agency , Democratic Party , Florida , Governor , Illinois , Joe Walsh , Michigan , Middle East , Mitt Romney , New Jersey , Northern Virginia , Obama , Obama administration , Ohio , Pennsylvania , President , Republican Party , Senate , United States , Virginia
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Single women and Latinos had a key role to play in re-electing Barack Obama but Arab-Americans played a major part as well.
Added on 09/11/2012
Editor, MEP
Barack Obama , House of Representatives , Obama , President , Republican Party , United States , Video , Videos , Washington , White House
VIDEO: In the first full days after the election, it’s back to work for Barack Obama, the newly re-elected US president. First call, Republicans on how to tackle the “fiscal cliff”.
Added on 03/10/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Bush , Bush Administration , Central America , Central Intelligence Agency , Chemical weapons , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Eisenhower , elected president , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Golan Heights , Governor , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , Mohammed Morsi , Muammar Qaddafi , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Pentagon , President , Republican Party , Romney , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Syria , Taliban , Tel Aviv , UN General Assembly , UN Security Council , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , United States Army , US government , US intelligence , Washington , West Bank
JUAN COLE: The Presidential candidate appears to be entirely clueless about the recent history of US involvement in the region. Heres’ some help.
Added on 26/09/2012
Abu Muhammed
Afghanistan , Africa , Algeria , America , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Europe , International Court of Justice , Iraq , Islam , Jeopardy , Palestine Liberation Organization , Republican Party , Ronald Reagan , United States
ABU MOHAMMED: If you look back over the last thirty years or so you’ll see that Islam has always been a problem for Americans.
Added on 10/09/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Governor , Morocco , New York , Religion , Republican Party , Social Media , state law , United States , US Supreme Court , Wisconsin
ROB L. WAGNER: If you fail to educate your children about religion, its place in society and the need to respect the beliefs of others it’s clear where your society is headed here has been a constant lack of investment by
Added on 29/08/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Arab American Institute , Arizona , California , Cartoonist , Colorado , Florida , Islam , Kansas , Lincoln , Mexico , Newt Gingrich , President , Republican Party , Ronald Reagan , Secretary of State , Sharia Law , Tampa , UN Court , United States , US government
ROB L. WAGNER: The level of detachment between the imagined world of Republican delegates and the real America seems to widen by the day.
Added on 26/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Anthony Weiner , Arizona , Council on American-Islamic Relations , Dar Al-Hekma College , Glenn Beck , Hillary Clinton , Huma Abedin , hysteria , Islam , Israel , Jeddah , John McCain , Keith Ellison , Michele Bachmann , Michelle Bachmann , Michigan , military officer , Minnesota , Muslim Brotherhood , Pennsylvania , Republican Party , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of State , Senate , Soviet Union , United States , United States government , University of Pennsylvania , US government , US State Department
ROB L. WAGNER: The odious campaign by Michelle Bachmann against Huma Abedin marks the real beginning of a potentially disastrous period in U.S history
Added on 23/07/2012
Juan Cole
Arizona , Congress , Florida , George W. Bush , Governor , Hillary Clinton , House , Huma Abedin , Israel , Keith Ellison , Michele Bachmann , Michigan , Middle East , Mike Rogers , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Ohio , Pennsylvania , President , Republican Party , Saddam Hussein , The Huffington Post , United States , US Elections , US government , US intelligence
JUAN COLE: Remember how Florida in 2000 hung on just a few hundred votes. Well, there are over 250,000 Arab-Americans in Florida. They can all tell when someone is prejudiced.
Added on 20/06/2012
Rob L. Wagner
ABC News , Afghanistan , America , Bashar al-Assad , Bush , Bush Administration , Egypt , Eric Edelman , Hamas , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , John Bolton , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Obama , Online media , Palestinian Territories , President , Republican Party , Syria , United Nations , United States , US government , Walid Phares , Washington Post , Washington Times , White House
ROB L. WAGNER: If Mitt Romney wins the U.S. presidential election it looks like we’ll be taking a trip back in time to the reign of George W. Bush.
Added on 03/06/2012
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Baath Party in Syria , Baghdad , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Bin Laden , Damascus , Eastern Mediterranean , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , George W. Bush , Governor , Hamas , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Libya , Mediterranean , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Northern Iraq , President , Qatar , Republican Party , Romney , Syria , Syrian Muslim Brotherhood , Tripoli , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , West Bank , Workers Party
JUAN COLE: Mitt Romney is flip-flopping on whether ‘Muslims Are Bad’ or that the U.S should supply them with sophisticated weapons.
Added on 27/05/2012
Juan Cole
Ahmad Shafiq , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Cairo , Camp David , David Horowitz , Egypt , Egypt’s Suez Canal , France , Freedom and Justice Party , Hamdeen Sabahi , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Lyndon Johnson , Mubarak , Mubarak government , Muhammad Mursi , Muslim Brotherhood , Nicolas Sarkozy , Novelist , Oil , oil monarchies , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Republican Party , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , Suez , Suez Canal , Syria , Tahrir Square , Turkey , United States
JUAN COLE: The Egyptian electorate seems to have a strong leaning for ‘law and order’. Very similar to the U.S electorate in the 1960s
Added on 07/05/2012
Christiane Amanpour , CNN , Ehud Olmert , Israel , Jerusalem , Jimmy Carter , Netanyahu , Palestine , Prime Minister , Republican Party , Sheldon Adelson , United States
PHILIP WEISS, CGNEWS: Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister of Israel, revealed a lot in his recent CNN interview.
Added on 04/05/2012
Afghanistan , Arab American Institute , Barack Obama , Bush , Bush Administration , Democratic Party , Department of Justice , Eric Holder , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Florida , John Brennan , Michigan , Middle East , Muslim Public Affairs Council , Muslims , New York , Obama , Obama administration , Pentagon , President , Ray LaHood , Republican Party , The American Muslim , United States , White House
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: A multitude of events have piled up and support for Obama is running at an all time low.
Added on 01/05/2012
Africa , Asia , Cairo , Columbia , Egypt , Europe , India , Iran , Islam , John Edwards , Journalist , Latin America , Middle East , Mona Eltahawy , Mubarak , President , Qatar , Republican Party , Sports Illustrated , United States , Women , Women's issues , Yemen
DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s dogmatic rhetoric and a willingness to conform to imposed tyranny that are the real enemies.
Added on 28/01/2012
Juan Cole
Alan Grayson , America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Department of State , Egypt , Fatah , Florida , Food and Drink , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Germany , Governor , Haifa , Hamas , Hannah Arendt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , Italy , Jerusalem , League of Nations , Lebanon , Likud Party , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newt Gingrich , Obama , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Republican Party , Romney , Sheldon Adelson , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Nations , United States , West Bank
JUAN COLE: The maths speaks for itself – a country of 7.5 million people is surrounded by 400 others with whom it seems to be at constant odds.
Added on 08/01/2012
Bernard Lewis , Democracy , Iran , Islam , Islamism , Mecca , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , New York Times , Republican Party , Shariah law
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The right-wing media in the United States, in particular, has worked itself into a frenzy about the term ‘Islamism’. They need to chill and think straight.
Added on 09/11/2011
James Mullan
Anthony Weiner , Benjamin Netanyahu , France , G20 , Gordon Brown , Michele Bachmann , New York , Nicolas Sarkozy , Obama , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Republican Party , United Nations , United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization , United States , unnamed official , US Federal Reserve
NEWS ANALYSIS: As if life isn’t difficult enough for President Sarkozy now he has to contend with the consequences of a leaked ‘private’ conversation.
Added on 08/11/2011
Juan Cole
Aleppo , Arab Spring , Ba'athist , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Beirut , Bush Administration , Cairo , Christian Palestinian , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Orthodox Catholic Church , Palestinian Territories , President , Republican Party , Rick Santorum , Syria , The Daily Star , Turkey , United States , Washington
JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.