Added on 14/09/2012
America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi Netanyahu , Congress , David Remnick , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jerusalem , Joe Klein , Knesset , Middle East Opinions of America , Mitt Romney , NBC , Netanyahu government , Netanyahu’s government , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabin , Shaul Mofaz , The New Yorker , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank

PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?
Added on 14/04/2012
Rania Al Malky
ABC , Christiane Amanpour , Egypt , Farid El-Deeb , Freedom and Justice Party , Journalist , Khairat Al-Shater , Mohammed Morsi , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , Omar Suleiman , President , SCAF , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , The New Yorker , UN Court , Youth Movement

RANIA AL MALKY: The stakes today with Omar Suleiman perhaps within days of succeeding Mubarak, are just as high as they were on January 25, 2011.
Added on 15/02/2012
Al Aswany , Alaa al-Aswany , Army , Chicago , Coca cola , Democracy , Egypt , Islamist , Literature , Member of Parliament , Minister of the Interior , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , Nile , Novelist , political commentator , Port Said , Prime Minister , Salafi , State media , Tahrir Square , The New Yorker , The Yacoubian Building

M. LYNX-QUALEY: He is arguably Egypt’s leading public intellectual and every week he holds public salons whose numbers have swelled hugely over the past year.
Added on 23/06/2011
America , Basra , Christina Phillips , CNN , Denys Johnson-Davies , Egypt , Iceland , Iraq , Italy , Japan , Literature , Paris , Piers Amodia , Samuel Shimon , Shakir Mustafa , Sinan Antoon , The New Yorker , William Hutchins

M. LYNX-QUALEY: It’s one of those lists again. You know it’s designed to gain a reaction and you can’t help yourself so here I go with my reaction to books on Iraq.
Added on 28/11/2010
Steve Royston
Energy , Facebook , Malcolm Gladwell , Mazen Nahawi , News Group International , North Carolina , Social networking , The New Yorker , United States

STEVE ROYSTON: In the real world, we have lots of alternative words to describe different levels of relationship – family, colleague, acquaintance to name but a few. On Facebook, everyone is a friend.
Added on 26/11/2010
Steve Royston
Abdullah , Bahrain , CEO , Dubai , Facebook , Jeddah , Malcolm Gladwell , Mazen Nahawi , Middle East , News Group International , Pepsi , President , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Social networking , Sultan Al Bazie , The New Yorker , United Kingdom

STEVE ROYSTON: Successful companies tend not to fire their communications people. That’s not to say that politics, ambition and personal fiefdoms won’t get in the way
Added on 08/10/2010
James Mullan
BP , China , Facebook , Iran , LinkedIn , Malcolm Gladwell , Online media , President , Social Media , The New Yorker , Twitter

The social media community has reacted emotionally to Malcolm Gladwell’s calculated attack, but has he got a point? “Social media is like a toddler, but nobody yet knows what promise that toddler holds…”