Added on 06/12/2012
mai abdul rahman
America , Arab League , Canada , Clinton , DC , Egypt , Ehud Olmert , Europe , European Union , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , IDF , International Criminal Court , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Netanyahu , New York Times , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Prime Minister , Qatar , Secretary of State , Tunis , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , United States , Washington , West Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.
Added on 29/11/2012
mai abdul rahman
African Union , Arab League , Columbia , Declaration of Independence , European Union , Gaza , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , IDF , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Jordan , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Netanyahu , Obama , Obama administration , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Russia , Secretary of State , UN General Assembly , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , United States , West Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s a date laden with meaning and today another chapter will be written in Palestinian history – a chapter that is a potential game-changer.
Added on 04/11/2012
Jonathan Cook
Benjamin Netanyahu , Ehud Olmert , Gaza , Israel , Jerusalem , Ministry of Tourism , Moshe Dayan , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , The Green Line , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: A visit to an Israeli tourist office in Nazareth uncovered a little more than I had expected.
Added on 22/10/2012
Ameer Makhoul , Christian Palestinians , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Haifa , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli military , law student , Negev , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Ramallah , United Nations , United States , West Bank

SAM BAHOUR, MONDOWEISS: While the world’s attention is focused on Gaza and the West Bank Palestinian citizens of Israel present unique issues.
Added on 16/10/2012
Common Ground News Service
Gaza , Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Hebron , Israel , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Nablus , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , President , Prime Minister , Ramallah , Salam Fayyad , West Bank

DAWOUD ABU LEBDEH, CGNEWS: Its role is minimal compared to that envisaged in the Oslo Accords. Faced with a threat to its existence what should PA do?
Added on 09/10/2012
James M. Dorsey
Barcelona , BBC , Europe , Fatah , FIFA , Football , Gaza , Gaza City , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Human Rights Watch , Islamic Jihad , Israel , Jerusalem , Jibril Rajoub , Madrid , Mahmoud Abbas , Mahmoud Sarsak , Middle East , New York , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Football Association , Palestinian national movement , President , Ramallah , Real Madrid , Soccer , Spain , UEFA , United Nations , West Bank

JAMES M. DORSEY: Palestinians of all ages are huge fans of the Spanish football giants Barcelona FC. When Hamas called for a boycott of their match this week it fell on deaf ears.
Added on 06/10/2012
Jonathan Cook
Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Danny Ayalon , Egypt , General Assembly , Germany , Iraq , Israel , Israeli government , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Morocco , Mossad , Netanyahu’s government , New York , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , U.S. Congress , UN Security Council , United Nations , United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East , United States , Yemen , YouTube

JONATHAN COOK: A campaign initiated in 2009 now appears to be gathering strength namely equation of Palestinians with Jews who fled Arab countries.
Added on 30/09/2012
Africa , America , Assad , Barack Obama , BP , China , Congress , George W. Bush , Governor , Iran , Israel , Jesus Christ , Joe Biden , Kenya , Lincoln , Middle East , Mitt Romney , MSNBC , Obama , Palestinian Authority , President , Presidential debates , Romney , Sarah Palin , sitting president , Somalia , Syria , Todd Aiken , United Nations , United States , White House

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The format is stale, it’s all so controlled and choreographed that very little of substance will be revealed. So why bother?
Added on 22/08/2012
Common Ground News Service
Daily Forward , Haaretz , Hamas , Holocaust , Israel , Mahmoud Abbas , Media coverage , Media outlets , Middle East , Natalia Simanovsky , North America , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , Palestinian Territories , President , research officer

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY: The visit by a Palestinian official was not deemed suitable to receive strong coverage only its condemnation by Hamas
Added on 30/07/2012
Jonathan Cook
AED , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Congress , EUR , Europe , European Union , F-35 , Gaza , Israel , Manufacturing , Middle East , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , peaceful solution , Pentagon , Philips , President , Prospect magazine , Russia , Saudi Arabia , settlement products , United Nations , United States , West Bank , World Bank

JONATHAN COOK: The more that Israel’s international reputation plummets the more generous are Western powers. What should Palestinians do?
Added on 11/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Egypt , Europe , Haaretz , Israel , Israeli army , Lebanon , Levant , Libya , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , North Africa , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Ramallah , Syria , Tunisia , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: The changes throughout the Arab world have made Israel very nervous indeed. And a nervous Israel is a dangerous Israel.
Added on 31/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Activist , Bobby Sands , Budrus , Europe , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hana Shalabi , Hebrew University , Hebrew University in Jerusalem , Israel , Jerusalem , Khader Adnan , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Project Manager , Rubber bullets , Tear gas , Watan Student Movement , West Bank

DAWOUD ABU LEDDEH, CGNEWS: The recent hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners marked a sea-change in opposition to occupation.
Added on 22/05/2012
Richard Silverstein
Al Qaeda , Army , Border Police , Croatia , Ehud Barak , Energy , Gandhi , IDF , International Criminal Court , Israel , M-16 , Nablus , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , police officer , Serbia , State Terrorism , Terrorism , West Bank

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Know you will be held accountable. That Jews with any moral sense renounce you just as most Muslims renounce Al-Qaeda terrorists.
Added on 20/03/2012
James M. Dorsey
2006 World Cup , 2014 World Cup , Al Ahly SC , Al Masri , Benjamin Netanyahu , Egypt , FIFA , Football , Haifa , Israel , Israel Football Association , Israeli parliament , Jerusalem , Jewish Defense League , Knesset , Mahmoud Abbas , midfielder , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Port Said , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Rabbi , Soccer , Suez Canal , Tel Aviv , the Associated Press , vice chairman , West Bank , Yitzhak Aharonovitch

JAMES M. DORSEY: The drama off the pitch surpasses anything on it at the moment in Israeli soccer.
Added on 30/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Al-Nahda , Arab Spring , Damascus , deputy chief , Egypt , Egyptian military , Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli government , Middle East , Natalia Simanovsky , North America , Palestinian Authority , Prime Minister , Qatar , research officer , Salafist Al Nour party , Salam Fayyad , Sinai , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , United States

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY, CGNEWS: It’s highly unfortunate that Israel seems to treat all change in the Arab world as a threat to itself.
Added on 27/12/2011
Jonathan Cook
Ankara , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Egypt , Ehud Barak , Fatah , Gaza , Golan Heights , Hamas , International Criminal Court , Iran , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Mossad , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian national movement , Pennsylvania , President , Prime Minister , Recep Erdogan , Saudi Arabia , Saudi intelligence , Security Council , Sinai , Syria , The New York Times , tremors , Tunisia , Turkey , Turki al-Faisal , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: 2011 marked the point at which the Palestinians called Israel’s bluff and revealed Oslo to be nothing more than a stalling tactic. What does the upcoming year hold?
Added on 21/11/2011
James Mullan
Abdullah II , Cairo , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Jordan , Khaled Mashaal , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , President , West Bank

A new dynamic is opening up in Jordanian-Palestinian relations – a recognition and acceptance of the role that the Islamic political movement Hamas plays.
Added on 17/10/2011
Jonathan Cook
Abu Dhabi , Army , Avigdor Lieberman , Benjamin Netanyahu , Israel , Israeli army , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Prime Minister , Shin Bet , South Africa , Tel Aviv , The Green Line , The National , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: Settlers have raised the stakes by attacking mosques within Arab communities that have been traditionally utterly loyal to Israel.
Added on 19/09/2011
Juan Cole
Alan Grayson , Binyamin Netanyahu , Fateh , France , General Assembly , Germany , Israel , Israeli government , Jordan , Likud Party , Mahmoud Abbas , Netanyahu government , Netherlands , Obama , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , UN General Assembly , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank

JUAN COLE: The Palestinians are heading to the U.N this week hoping to change the dynamics of the wretched situation they find themselves in.
Added on 17/09/2011
Abbas , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bibi , Catherine Ashton , David Hale , Dennis Ross , Envoy , European Union , International Criminal Court , Israel , Jerusalem , New York city , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Palestinian UN , Prime Minister , Tony Blair , United Nations , United States

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: Bibi is willing to negotiate anything, as long it does not include what the Palestinians want. In this case, it is recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN.