Added on 07/01/2013
America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Congress , Department of Defense , Emergency Committee for Israel , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Israeli government , Jim Lobe , Josh Block , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama , President , Prime Minister , Republican Jewish Coalition , Republican Party , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Steve Walt , The Guardian , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington , White House

PHILIP WEISS: The widely floated possibility of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defence Secretary looks a reality. Who will fight against it?
Added on 15/12/2012
America , American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Chuck Hagel , Co-Chairman , Congress , Eli Lake , Emergency Committee for Israel , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Israel , Josh Block , Lebanon , Max Fisher , Pentagon , President , Republican Guard , Secretary of Defense , Senate , Sergeant , Steve Walt , The Washington Post , United States , Vietnam , Washington

MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks
Added on 09/09/2012
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Albania , America , Barack Obama , California , Cambodia , China , Clinton , Congress , Energy , George W. Bush , Hitler , Impotence , Internal Revenue Service , Iraq , Israel , Japan , Jerusalem , Lincoln , Lyndon Johnson , Middle East , midwife , Mitt Romney , National Front , North Carolina , Obama , Pakistan , Paranoia , Paris , Poland , President , prime minster , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , Russia , Sheldon Adelson , Sunday Times , The New York Times , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States , US Elections , US Treasury , Vietnam , White House

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.
Added on 24/02/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Airbus , America , Asia , Australia , BBC , Brunei , CEO , China , Deng Xiaoping , Department of Defense , Europe , Hawaii , Hilary Clinton , Leon Panetta , Malaysia , Natural gas , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Philippines , President , Reuters , Robert Gates , Secretary of State , South China , South China Sea , United States , Vietnam

RAMZY BAROUD: Leaders of adjacent countries might find themselves forced to choose sides in a conflict over resources and military presence.
Added on 06/10/2011
AED , Afghanistan , Asia , Carrefour , China , Dubai , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Oman , Syria , Turkey , UAE , Vietnam , Yemen

THE HEDONISTA: ‘No photos’, ‘No Fixed Price’, ‘Come back later?’ Ah yes, the recurrent phrases heard buying ‘Dubai Kitsch’. So what’s the best way to go about it?
Added on 11/07/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Bangladesh , Cambodia , Christoph Wilcke , Council of Ministers , Dubai , East Africa , Europe , Human Rights Watch , Indonesia , Middle East , North Africa , Philippines , Riyadh , SAR , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Shoura Council , Vietnam

ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabian and Indonesian intransigence has put maids needing work and Saudis help between a rock and a hard place.
Added on 04/06/2011
Crossroads Arabia
America , Cuba , Egypt , Hiroshima , Iraq , Israel , Khalid Alnowaiser , Libya , Middle East , Mubarak , Nagasaki , Soviet Union , United States , Vietnam

CROSSROADS ARABIA: We know America is far from perfect but it seems to be the source of all evil for many Arabs. One Arab man has had enough and has spoken out.
Added on 30/05/2011
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Ali Abdullah Saleh , America , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Egypt , Europe , India , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Mubarak , Nobel committee , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Oil wealth , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Qaddafi , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , Vietnam , Yemen

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Where there was once optimism of fundamental change taking hold as a spirit of freedom swept the region, there is now growing pessimism.
Added on 11/05/2011
Al Qaeda , Alpha , bank robberies , Canada , Central Intelligence Agency , Clinton , European Union , Federal Bureau of Investigation , France , India , Internal Revenue Service , Ireland , Japan , Jesus Christ , Jewish Defense League , Ku Klux Klan , Kurdistan Workers’ Party , Media coverage , Pentagon , Philippines , President , Prime Minister , Puerto Rico , Spain , Summer Olympics , Terrorism , terrorist network , Timothy McVeigh , Turkey , U.S. government , United States , Vietnam

MUSTAFA OMAR: When it comes to the white-hot issue of terrorists who threaten American citizens perception, unfortunately, is very far from reality.