Arab-Israeli Teachers ‘Helping to Improve Understanding’

COMMON GROUND NEWS: The recruitment of newly qualified Arab-Israeli teachers will help drive shared citizenship initiatives
Outdated: Rote Learning Is Wrecking GCC Childrens’ Future

ABU MOHAMMED: It’s an open secret that the education of the majority of nationals in GCC countries is a disaster. What’s to be done about the situation/
‘Band-Aid on A Bullet Wound’: Jordan ‘Campus Violence’ Plan

NASEEM TARAWNAH: The current upswing in violence on university campuses throughout Jordan has prompted the authorities to produce a plan.
Academic Pacing: It Simply Doesn’t Work in the Middle East

ABU MOHAMMED: It’s a system of teaching that creates more problems than it solves. It’s time to call time on ‘academic pacing’.
The Textbook Narrative That Demonises ‘The Other’

MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: A major study of Palestinian and Israeli textbooks provides some startling findings.
‘Time to Celebrate’ Oman’s Educational Transformation

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: The advances in Omani education over the past forty years are nothing short of miraculous.
‘Critical Thinking’: The Missing Link in Saudi Education

ABU MOHAMMED: As one who has been closely involved in Saudi education for some time I’ve observed, at first hand, a recurring major flaw
The ‘Educational Revolution’ That Is Transforming Saudi Arabia
ROB L. WAGNER: Free education overseas for Saudi nationals is having a massive effect on Saudi society.
Education: The Battle Ground of and for The Future

FRANCIS MATTHEW: The Gulf states need a population which is educated to take its proper place in the global economy, and to take part in multinational endeavours to help run the world.
Wasted Potential: Let’s Revolutionise Education

STEVE ROYSTON: The ‘Education Industry’ as I call it is failing to deliver and everywhere you look there is clear evidence of same. I have some ideas
‘Teacher, We Can’t Hear You’: A Major Issue

STEVE ROYSTON: Among the many issues facing education ministers in the Middle East, ‘acoustics in classrooms’ is well down the list. But it shouldn’t be.
‘No Religious Education’ At Heart of U.S Intolerance

ROB L. WAGNER: If you fail to educate your children about religion, its place in society and the need to respect the beliefs of others it’s clear where your society is headed here has been a constant lack of investment by
Educated, Engaged Muslim Americans ‘Critical to Dialogue’

M. SALMAN RAVALA: The current generation of young Muslim Americans have a major role to play in promoting engagement between West and the East
‘How to Follow’: What Education Should Teach Us

STEVE ROYSTON: We’re all taught to aspire to the highest levels in whatever discipline we work but only a tiny percentage reach the stratosphere
Literacy: The Fatal Flaw At Heart of Saudi Academia

ABU MOHAMMED: The way in which Saudi university students is taught simply does not encourage independent, critical thought. Maybe not a problem.
Disaster: ‘Wasta’ Undermines Saudi Education System

ABU MOHAMMED: I couldn’t help myself. The culture of cheating induced a rant at my students. They didn’t understand. ‘This is life’, one of them replied
‘Diploma Mill’: Easy Qualification for Some Saudis

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a determinant of salary and position in many organisations but how useful is a university degree for Saudi citizens?