Added on 05/02/2014
Juan Cole
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam , Al Qaeda , Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula , al-Zawahiri , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Egyptian Islamic Jihad , Entertainment/Culture , FBI Most Wanted Terrorists , Iraq , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Terrorism , Videos and audio recordings of Ayman al-Zawahiri , Zawahiri

JUAN COLE: The insistence by many commentators in speaking about a single Al Qaeda entity in Iraq and Syria is plain wrong.
Added on 22/07/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Afghan Civil War , Al Qaeda , Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden , Central Intelligence Agency , Islam , Islamic terrorism , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Politics , Reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden , Religion , September 11 attacks , United States , US government , US military , US National Security Agency , War in Afghanistan , War on Terror

RAMZY BAROUD: Hard to win and lost in an instant, it’s trust. The U.S seems to be unconcerned about its diminishing reputation in the world
Added on 15/06/2013
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Algeria , Asia , Bill Clinton , Chemical weapons , Damascus , Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration , France , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Iran , Obama , Osama Bin Laden , Politics , Politics of Syria , Politics of the United States , President , Protests in Syria , Syria , Syrian uprising , United States , War in Afghanistan , War/Conflict

JUAN COLE: Bill Clinton has criticised President Obama for not providing stronger military support for the Syrian opposition. His own record on military intervention isn’t so good.
Added on 11/01/2013
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Bush Administration , Central Intelligence Agency , Cuba , Dick Cheney , George W. Bush , Movies , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , President , United States , World Trade Center

KAREN J. GREENBERG, INFORMED COMMENT: It’s a deeply flawed movie with a deeply troubling message – torture is great.
Added on 31/12/2012
Abdel Bari Atwan , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Algeria , America , Arabic newspaper , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Editor-in-Chief , Egypt , Florida , Foreign Affairs , Gaza Strip , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Jerusalem , Leon Panetta , Libya , London , Mali , Middle East , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Pentagon , President , Somalia , Sudan , Syria , Taliban , U.S. administration , United States , Washington , West Bank , Yemen , YouTube

KHALED FATTAH, TABSIR: There is a lazy shorthand in much Western reporting on the Middle East, particularly when it comes to describing the influence of tribes
Added on 02/10/2012
Abu Dhabi , Afghanistan , Arabian Gulf , Asia , Congo , Energy , Fifa World Cup , Gaza Strip , Imran Khan , India , Indonesia , Islamabad , Israel , New York city , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Ron Paul , South Asia , Taliban , United Kingdom , United States , West Asia

PAM BAILEY, MONDOWEISS: When I inform my friends that I’m heading to Waziristan to find out about the reality of drone attacks they’re rather concerned
Added on 18/09/2012
America , Anders Behring Breivik , Cairo , CNN , Edward Said , Egypt , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Journalism , Kate Middleton , Libya , Media coverage , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newsweek , Obama administration , Osama Bin Laden , princess , Rupert Murdoch , Salman Rushdie , Terry Jones , United States , YouTube

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.
Added on 21/07/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Facebook , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Osama Bin Laden , Prime Minister , Salafists , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Tunisia , Twitter

CROSSROADS ARABIA: A surprising convert to the idea of democracy is Sheikh Salman al-Awdah, erstwhile moral guide to Osama bin Laden
Added on 08/05/2012
Afghanistan , Amazon , Osama Bin Laden , Poetry , Saddam Hussein , Taliban , The Guardian , Twitter , United Kingdom

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The editors surely anticipated – and welcomed – the storm that has erupted around publication of their collection
Added on 02/05/2012
Juan Cole
Actor , Al Qaeda , Anders Breivik , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Bin Laden , Damascus , Egypt , Gingrich , Governor , Guinea , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Joe Biden , Lebanon , Lord’s Resistance Army , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , Muslim Brotherhood of Syria , Newt Gingrich , Osama Bin Laden , Palestinian Territories , President , Ron Paul , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Syrian Muslim Brotherhood , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US Elections

JUAN COLE: Romney clearly doesn’t have the slightest idea what he is talking about, and seems intent on alienating 1.5 billion Muslims
Added on 07/03/2012
James M. Dorsey
2010 World Cup , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , amputations , Baghdad , Barak Obama , Congress , Cuba , Dennis Ross , Fifa World Cup , Florida , Football , Guantanamo Bay , guard , Hamas , Hassan Nasrallah , Herman Cain , Hizballah , House of Representatives , Iran , Iraq , Ismail Haniyeh , Kabul , Kabul's Ghazi stadium , McClatchy , Nelson Mandela , Northern Iraq , Osama Bin Laden , Pentagon , Politics , President , recruitment tool , Rugby , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Soccer , Somalia , South Africa , Taliban , U.S. Congress , U.S. Navy , United States , United States Navy , US government , US military

JAMES M. DORSEY: The $744,000 pitch outside a $39 million penitentiary-style building is intended to reward the most cooperative of the 120,171 inmates.
Added on 26/02/2012
American Bedu
airline , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Osama Bin Laden , Saudi Arabia , United States

AMERICAN BEDU: What will earn you a few ‘tuts’ on a Saudi plane will land you an appointment with the FBI in the U.S as a student has just found out.
Added on 05/02/2012
Common Ground News Service
Al Qaeda , Anwar al-Awlaki , Baghdad , DC , Iraq , Oil , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , President , San Diego , Saudi Arabia , Taliban , United States , Washington , Yemen

KEN BALLEN, CGNEWS: ‘You can kill extremists but you don’t kill extremism with missiles’. Perhaps the U.S should look at new policies.
Added on 13/12/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Abu Dhabi Gallup Center , Advertising , Alaska , America , Branding , Dalia Mogahed , Dearborn , Florida Family Association , Michigan , Middle East , Muslims , Osama Bin Laden , Ramadan , Sarah Palin , United States

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The lesson from these examples is courage pays off. Muslims show loyalty to brands supporting them in the public space.
Added on 05/11/2011
David Westley
Ali Al-Naimi , Angela Merkel , Apple , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , chancellor , China , co-chair , David Cameron , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Egypt , Forbes , France , Germany , Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani , Iran , Israel , Japan , Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan , King Abdullah , Libya , Mark Zuckerberg , Melinda Gates Foundation , Mexico , Middle East , Oil , Oprah Winfrey , Osama Bin Laden , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Recep Erdogan , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Steve Jobs , The National , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United States , US Federal Reserve , Vladimir Putin , Wael Ghonim

NEWS ANALYSIS: So how does the Middle East do? Not great, but Saudi’s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud is in the top 10, at number 7.
Added on 23/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Al Shabab , Ayman al-Zawahiri , Basketball , East Africa , Food and Drink , Hamas , handball , Hizballah , Islamist , James M. Dorsey , Lebanon , Middle East , Nanyang Technological University , North Africa , Osama Bin Laden , Palestinian Territories , President , recruitment tool , S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies , Singapore , Soccer , Somalia , Taliban , UN Court , United Nations , woman athlete

JAMES M. DORSEY: While Al Qaeda is attempting to portray a gentler face, distributing aid to famine victims, Al Shabab, are ensuring strict adherence to a ban on women’s sports.
Added on 17/10/2011
Steve Royston
Bahrain , Beijing , Cairo , China , Cuba , Dubai , Egypt , Healthcare , Homs , Iraq , Jeddah , Lenin , Libya , London , Middle East , Moscow , New York , Ohio , Oil , Osama Bin Laden , Pennsylvania , Pentagon , Premier League , Riyadh , Ronald Reagan , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Shura Council , Soviet Union , Stalin , Syria , UN General Assembly , United Kingdom , United States , Yugoslavia

STEVE ROYSTON: Received wisdom portrays a backward, oppressive society, dominated by religious extremists and a monarchy whose main mission is self-preservation.
Added on 14/09/2011
Naseem Tarawnah
Advertising , Brazil , Food and Drink , Middle East , Osama Bin Laden , Pennsylvania

NASEEM TARAWNAH: While those of us in the Middle East may not necessarily face the exact same problems with advertising, we are facing very similar issues.
Added on 12/09/2011
Juan Cole
9/11 , Abdel Bari Atwan , Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Cairo , Central Intelligence Agency , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld , Egypt , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , Journalist , Libya , Martin Luther King Jr. , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Mustafa Abdel Jalil , national government , Northern Pakistan , oil fields , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Pentagon , President , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Sayyid Qutb , Tahrir Square , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , US government , Washington , Western Europe , Yemen

JUAN COLE: Al Qaeda’s vision for the Arab World has been comprehensively rejected. It appears that Arabs – in particular, young Arabs – are prepared to put their lives on the line, not for a Caliphate, but for parliamentary democracy.
Added on 03/09/2011
9/11 , Afghanistan , America , Bin Laden , Hawaii , Islam , Lenin , Mexico , Middle East , Osama Bin Laden , Pakistan , Philippines , Puerto Rico , Spain , Twin Towers , United States

DANIEL M. VARISCO: “We Shall Never Forget” is a masterpiece in truth-twisting and bigotry. The bad news is that it’s a coloring book aimed at U.S. children.