Added on 06/12/2012
mai abdul rahman
America , Arab League , Canada , Clinton , DC , Egypt , Ehud Olmert , Europe , European Union , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , IDF , International Criminal Court , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Netanyahu , New York Times , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Prime Minister , Qatar , Secretary of State , Tunis , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , United States , Washington , West Bank
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.
Added on 09/09/2012
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Albania , America , Barack Obama , California , Cambodia , China , Clinton , Congress , Energy , George W. Bush , Hitler , Impotence , Internal Revenue Service , Iraq , Israel , Japan , Jerusalem , Lincoln , Lyndon Johnson , Middle East , midwife , Mitt Romney , National Front , North Carolina , Obama , Pakistan , Paranoia , Paris , Poland , President , prime minster , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , Russia , Sheldon Adelson , Sunday Times , The New York Times , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States , US Elections , US Treasury , Vietnam , White House
STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.
Added on 03/07/2012
Afghanistan , America , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bernard Lewis , Cairo , Clinton , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Federal Bureau of Investigation , George Bush , George W. Bush , Ground Zero mosque , Hamas , Hiroshima , Hizballah , Iraq , Islam , Islamophobia , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , legal systems , Libya , Likud Party , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , Nagasaki , New York city , New York Times , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , Pakistan , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peter King , President , Rutgers University , Secretary of State , Somalia , Soviet Union , the Associated Press , The New York Times , United States , Washington DC , World Trade Center , Yemen
ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire
Added on 21/05/2011
The Moor Next Door
Abdullah , Algeria , Algerian government , Algiers , America , Arab Gulf , Bahrain , Bahraini government , Barack Obama , Cairo , Civil society , Clinton , Damascus , Department of State , Deputy Secretary , East Africa , Egypt , Energy , European Union , Hamas , Iran , Israel , Jordan , Libya , Manama , Mauritania , Middle East , Mohamed Bouazizi , Morocco , Mubarak , North Africa , Obama , Palestinian Territories , President , Rabat , Rami Khouri , Riyadh , Rosa Parks , Saudi Arabia , Sudan , Syria , Tunis , Tunisia , United States , Washington
THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: There was little new in Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ speech. Nervous light criticism of Bahrain, no reference to Gulf allies and a minor poke of Israel.
Added on 14/05/2011
mai abdul rahman
Clinton , Egypt , Food and Drink , Gaza , Hamas , humanitarian law , International Committee of the Red Cross , Israel , Mubarak , Mubarak government , Nabil al-Arabi , Palestine , United States , Usher , Washington , Washington Times
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Allowing the Rafah will undoubtedly end the absolute and confounding isolation of the Gazans and the need of smuggling through the tunnels.
Added on 11/05/2011
Al Qaeda , Alpha , bank robberies , Canada , Central Intelligence Agency , Clinton , European Union , Federal Bureau of Investigation , France , India , Internal Revenue Service , Ireland , Japan , Jesus Christ , Jewish Defense League , Ku Klux Klan , Kurdistan Workers’ Party , Media coverage , Pentagon , Philippines , President , Prime Minister , Puerto Rico , Spain , Summer Olympics , Terrorism , terrorist network , Timothy McVeigh , Turkey , U.S. government , United States , Vietnam
MUSTAFA OMAR: When it comes to the white-hot issue of terrorists who threaten American citizens perception, unfortunately, is very far from reality.
Added on 13/03/2011
Bahrain , Bush , Clinton , Democracy , Egypt , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Morocco , Obama administration , Saudi Arabia , Tel Aviv , The Wall Street Journal , Tunisia , United States , Washington
MONDOWEISS: ‘Regime alteration’ is the new buzz phrase in the Washington corridors of power. The Obama administration is advocating a ‘tortoise’ rather than a ‘hare’ strategy to those seeking change in the region. Will it resonate?
Added on 09/02/2011
Omar al-Issawi
America , blindness , Clinton , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Lebanese army , Lebanon , Manitoba , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , President , Ronald Reagan , U.S. , United States , Washington
OMAR AL-ISSAWI: Please show respect to these people who have sacrificed their lives, shed blood, endured brutality, battled a 21st Century cavalry of camels…
Added on 29/11/2010
Naseem Tarawnah
Abdullah , Amman , Baghdad , Clinton , David Hale , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Qatar , Shia , Syria , Tehran , U.S. , United States , US embassy , US embassy in Amman , US government , Wikileaks
NASEEM TARAWNAH: One particular cable is a rather clear reflection of its stance and growing concerns regarding Iran – “Beware the Iranian Tentacles … and Cut Them Off,” reads the summary…