Of Jesus, Smith and Elvis: The Prophet Issue

‘DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s a shtick that gets trotted out in editorial conferences at this time of year and occasionally editors buy it. ‘So who’s the real Jesus?’
Humour: A Creative, Intelligent Way to Debate Difference

ALICE HACKMAN: In all of the uproar and furore of the past few months in the ongoing West vs Islam narrative a few voices have risen above the heat of rage.
Western Liberals and their ‘Problem’ with “Muslim Rage”

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: We’re [Christians and Jews] above that sort of blood-letting. We solve our differences civilly through debate and the free exchange of ideas. As if…
Turbanned, Bearded and Angry: Western Media on Islam

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The Newsweek cover this week is lazy and sensationalist. Not a lot has changed since Edward Said wrote a famous essay 30 years ago.