Added on 30/09/2012
Africa , America , Assad , Barack Obama , BP , China , Congress , George W. Bush , Governor , Iran , Israel , Jesus Christ , Joe Biden , Kenya , Lincoln , Middle East , Mitt Romney , MSNBC , Obama , Palestinian Authority , President , Presidential debates , Romney , Sarah Palin , sitting president , Somalia , Syria , Todd Aiken , United Nations , United States , White House
DANIEL M. VARISCO: The format is stale, it’s all so controlled and choreographed that very little of substance will be revealed. So why bother?
Added on 19/09/2012
Common Ground News Service
American Civil Liberties Union , DC , Institute for Social Policy and Understanding , Iraq , Lincoln , Photography , photojournalist , Refugees , Saudi Arabia , Washington , Women's issues
ENGY ABDELKADER, CGNEWS: He grew up a refugee in Saudi Arabia and photojournalists became his superheroes. Now he’s a photographer himself
Added on 09/09/2012
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Albania , America , Barack Obama , California , Cambodia , China , Clinton , Congress , Energy , George W. Bush , Hitler , Impotence , Internal Revenue Service , Iraq , Israel , Japan , Jerusalem , Lincoln , Lyndon Johnson , Middle East , midwife , Mitt Romney , National Front , North Carolina , Obama , Pakistan , Paranoia , Paris , Poland , President , prime minster , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , Russia , Sheldon Adelson , Sunday Times , The New York Times , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States , US Elections , US Treasury , Vietnam , White House
STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.
Added on 29/08/2012
Rob L. Wagner
America , Arab American Institute , Arizona , California , Cartoonist , Colorado , Florida , Islam , Kansas , Lincoln , Mexico , Newt Gingrich , President , Republican Party , Ronald Reagan , Secretary of State , Sharia Law , Tampa , UN Court , United States , US government
ROB L. WAGNER: The level of detachment between the imagined world of Republican delegates and the real America seems to widen by the day.