mai abdul rahman

Invisible: The Plight of Arab-American Women

Invisible: The Plight of Arab-American Women

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: They have played, and continue to play, a vital role in U.S society but their voices go unheard.

 Juan Cole

“Due Process”: It’s Being Erased from U.S Constitution

“Due Process”: It’s Being Erased from U.S Constitution

PETER VAN BUREN, INFORMED COMMENT: Drone attacks on U.S nationals overseas could be a portent of things to come at home.


Morsi and The Brothers: My Role in Their Rise and Fall

Morsi and The Brothers: My Role in Their Rise and Fall

NASHWA HUSIEN ALY: I am a repentant Morsi voter. There were good reasons I believe to vote him in but better reasons for him to be removed


Strike on Syria: The Lobby’s In Overdrive

Strike on Syria: The Lobby’s In Overdrive

MONDOWEISS: As the vote in Congress nears there is one group of ‘cheerleaders for war’ who are working particularly hard.

 Steve Royston

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

STEVE ROYSTON: The situation in Syria is so desperate, so serious and so wide-ranging that it has the potential to affect every individual living in the region

 Ramzy Baroud

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.

 Abu Muhammed

Opportunity U.S.A: Has ‘The Melting Pot’ Boiled Dry?

Opportunity U.S.A: Has ‘The Melting Pot’ Boiled Dry?

ABU MOHAMMED: It’s supposed to be society where everyone can ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’. Not now, according to research


Exile and Alienation: A Father’s Letters To His Son

Exile and Alienation: A Father’s Letters To His Son

GEORGE EL HAGE, TABSIR: I felt it necessary to express directly to my son the feelings of loneliness, isolation and alienation felt by a Lebanese exile.

 David Roberts

Qatari Silence Feeds ‘Wilder’ Foreign Policy Theories

Qatari Silence Feeds ‘Wilder’ Foreign Policy Theories

DAVID ROBERTS: Qatar’s involvement in Mali is subject to some colourful speculation. It’s a familiar feeling for the peninsula state.


‘You Have Two Cows…”: Alternative Take on Region

‘You Have Two Cows…”: Alternative Take on Region

KARIM SADJAPOUR, TABSIR: Politically correct it may not be but the ‘Two Cows’ version of today’s Middle East is certainly fun.

 Juan Cole

Obama’s Speech: Is Era of ‘Perpetual War’ Closing?

Obama’s Speech: Is Era of ‘Perpetual War’ Closing?

JUAN COLE: President Obama’s inauguration speech is sure to trigger panic among the ‘we must have war’ crowd. But does he really mean it?


iPads and Infidels: Inaccurate, Superficial Saudi View

iPads and Infidels: Inaccurate, Superficial Saudi View

EMAN AL-NAFJAN: Here we go again – another foreigner rattles out yet another ‘analysis’ of Saudi Arabia that seems to have been pre-cooked.


He’s Obama’s Man But Will AIPAC Take On Hagel?

He’s Obama’s Man But Will AIPAC Take On Hagel?

PHILIP WEISS: The widely floated possibility of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defence Secretary looks a reality. Who will fight against it?

 Abu Muhammed

‘Critical Thinking’: The Missing Link in Saudi Education

‘Critical Thinking’: The Missing Link in Saudi Education

ABU MOHAMMED: As one who has been closely involved in Saudi education for some time I’ve observed, at first hand, a recurring major flaw


For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

For ‘Tribal Areas’ Read ‘Wild West’: Myth and Reality

KHALED FATTAH, TABSIR: There is a lazy shorthand in much Western reporting on the Middle East, particularly when it comes to describing the influence of tribes

 Juan Cole

2012: Top 10 Developments in the Middle East

2012: Top 10 Developments in the Middle East

JUAN COLE: It’s been another extraordinary year across the Middle East. Here is my take on the most significant changes this year


If Hagel Is Obama’s Choice ‘Let Battle Commence’

If Hagel Is Obama’s Choice ‘Let Battle Commence’

MONDOWEISS: Whispers from Washington suggest that President Obama is set to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense Minster. There will be sparks

 Common Ground News Service

#MuslimVote: The Hashtag That Changed U.S Politics

#MuslimVote: The Hashtag That Changed U.S Politics

MEHRUNISA QAYYUM, CGNEWS: Analysis has revealed that Muslims played a key role in swing states in the recent U.S presidential elections

 mai abdul rahman

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.


This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: If you want to understand what’s happening in Palestine/Israel it’s essential to understand Zionism. Where is it mentioned though?

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