
“An Earthquake”: Israeli Authorities’ View of EU Decision

“An Earthquake”: Israeli Authorities’ View of EU Decision

MONDOWEISS: The decision of the EU to ban all EU funding of projects in the occupied territories has certainly caught the Israeli government napping.

 Juan Cole

A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney

A Brief Middle East History Lesson for Mitt Romney

JUAN COLE: The Presidential candidate appears to be entirely clueless about the recent history of US involvement in the region. Heres’ some help.

 Francis Matthew

Imagine it’s You Driving the Syrian Tank…

Imagine it’s You Driving the Syrian Tank…

FRANCIS MATTHEW: This question is working deep into your mind, and leaving you sleepless at night with worry. Can you refuse to fire on fellow Syrians?

 mai abdul rahman

Israel: Erasing the Beauty of East Jerusalem

Israel: Erasing the Beauty of East Jerusalem

Palestinians whether Muslim or Christian believe they are witnesses of an unwritten Israeli agenda: Erase all traces of non-Jewish heritage.

 Syria News Wire

365 Days That Changed Syria Forever

365 Days That Changed Syria Forever

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: It began with a small demonstration by young people in Deraa. The flames have spread and now engulf the nation.

 David Roberts

Syria: The Argument Against intervention

Syria: The Argument Against intervention

DAVID ROBERTS: Working out exactly what must be done is fiendishly difficult; anyone who says they have a solution is grossly underestimating the complexities.

 Jonathan Cook

Israel Backs Itself Into Dangerous Cul-De-Sac

Israel Backs Itself Into Dangerous Cul-De-Sac

JONATHAN COOK: 2011 marked the point at which the Palestinians called Israel’s bluff and revealed Oslo to be nothing more than a stalling tactic. What does the upcoming year hold?

 Ramzy Baroud

The American Threat to Syria’s Revolution

The American Threat to Syria’s Revolution

RAMZY BAROUD: The American ambassador to Syria has established an ‘up and at ’em’ reputation. But what is the bigger picture for the United States in Syria at the moment?

 Ramzy Baroud

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

RAMZY BAROUD: There is no simple linear reading of the events that have overwhelmed Syria in recent months. The country is deeply embroiled in so many vital, strategic regional issues.

 Juan Cole

Israeli Attack on Unarmed Protesters – Criminal

Israeli Attack on Unarmed Protesters – Criminal

JUAN COLE: Israeli troops have a wide variety of non-lethal means of dealing with unarmed protesters. That they opted for live ammunition.

 Syria News Wire

People Strike Back: Syrian Activists Take Up Arms

People Strike Back: Syrian Activists Take Up Arms

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Syrian forces are facing armed resistance for the first time. Will this provide the government with an opportunity to ‘divide and conquer’?

 Hisham Wyne

Obama Speech: Historical, Rather Than Hopeful

Obama Speech: Historical, Rather Than Hopeful

HISHAM WYNE: President Obama delivered a fluent summing up of recent developments. For those closer to the action, however, there was little new or substantive.


The Nakba Revolution: The People Want to Return Home

I do not remember that the anniversary of Nakba was as hot and as intense as today seriously. The people want the right of the return, the people want to return back to Palestine.   The big surprise of the day comes from Golan heights , yes the Golan heights specifically Majdal Shams where a […]