Believe It: There’s a Latent Superhero In All of Us
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The daily duties and responsibilities may grind down our inner superhero but the flame lives in every Muslim woman
The Influence of The Father: Strong But Varied Views
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The influence that ‘the father’ has exerted over leading female politicians has varied considerably
So Why All The Fuss Over A Tiny Piece of Cloth?
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Considering the tiny number of women who actually wear a veil in the U.K it’s amazing all of the discussion about it.
Ghost of Iraq Comes Back to Haunt US/UK Syria Plans
The heavy propaganda for an Iraq War waged by the Bush administration and the Blair government in 2002-2003 came back to haunt the Anglo-American alliance on Thursday when the British parliament voted 285 to 272 not to authorize a military strike on Syria.
JUAN COLE: The heavy propaganda for an Iraq War waged by Bush, Blair governments came back to haunt the alliance on Thursday when parliament voted not to authorize a military strike on Syria.
Arab Writers Are Stuck In A Cultural Cul-De-Sac – Dabbagh
M. LYNX-QUALEY: Unlike, say South American writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Arab writers appear to be defined by their geography and politics
Ramadan Rant: The Pure Silliness of Mr A.N. Wilson
There is Islamophobia, and then there is silliness. When I first skimmed A.N. Wilson’s rant in last week’s Daily Mail about the UK’s Channel 4’s plans to broadcast the first prayer call during Ramadan, I thought oh oh, here’s the Mail doing its usual bit to rouse Middle England against the creeping erosion of our […]
Ramadan Training: It’s Time to Kick Those Bad Habits
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Sometimes our behaviour can be less than perfect during Ramadan. We shouldn’t, though, simply make excuses for this.
Crying Islamophobia: The Sure Route to Victimhood
EMRE KAZIM, CGNEWS: Muslims, particularly in the UK, need to be much more pro-active in seizing the narrative of their own lives
British Muslims Express Horror Over Lee Rigby’s Murder
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Virtually every mainstream Muslim organisation has been unequivocal in its condemnation of the appalling murder of the young soldier
‘My Reaction As a British Muslim to the Woolwich Attack’
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: It was a shocking, brutal incident that has evoked an understandable maelstrom of emotion. Here are my initial thoughts and feelings
True Multi-Cultural Hero: The Surprise That Is St George
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: He’s been adopted by the English right-wing as a symbol of racial purity. He actually stood for nothing of the sort.
Margaret Thatcher, 1925 – 2013: A Life in Quotes
Margaret Thatcher’s memorable words — from her 1979 victory, to her remarks at the end of the Falkland war, to her fight against European integration.
Reassessing Margaret Thatcher, 1925 – 2013
I breathed a sigh of relief when Margaret Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister in 1991. She was a divisive politician, and I found myself on the anti-Thatcher side of the divide.
STEVE ROYSTON: Margaret Thatcher was a divisive politician, and I found myself on the anti-Thatcher side of the divide.
Iraq 10 Years On: The Benefit of Hindsight
The attempts by President George W. Bush to justify the American-led invasion of Iraq followed so many wildly different reasons with no coherent link that the liveliest of conspiracy theories have flourished. This has been fuelled by the obvious political failure that has caused no pain to Bush and his neo-conservative allies who launched the war, while the companies with links to those same neo-conservatives have taken a significant share in the billions spent in reconstructing Iraq.
In the aftermath of the terrible attack on the World Trade Centre on 9/11, the first reason given was that Saddam Hussain supported Al Qaida, although Saddam had been ruthless in suppressing Islamists. Then Bush and Blair used Saddam’s alleged plan to manufacture and prepare to use weapons of mass destruction. When eventually this reason […]
Halal Food: It’s a Simple Matter of Community Trust
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The ongoing horsemeat scandal demonstrates the importance of establishing means to gain and maintain trust among consumers
Muslim Patrol: Proof of the Power of Social Media
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The way to notoriety these days is clear – do something hateful, film it and stick it on YouTube
Hip Hop Hijabis: The Rhythm and Rhyme of Debate
METTE REITZEL, CGNEWS: Their appearance, their message and their undoubted skill blend to create powerful voices confronting stereotypes
Your Time: The Commitment That Grows Communities
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: It’s important – and if your Muslim it’s obligatory – to give money to the less fortunate. But there’s a more precious resource that you should give too.
3Fs Forum: ‘All of the Big Questions Up for Discussion’
JESSICA ABRAHAMS, CGNEWS: Frank and open dialogue was the name of the game at a recent inter-faith event in the UK.