
 Crossroads Arabia

Therapeutic Value of Insults: Getting It Off Your Chest

Therapeutic Value of Insults: Getting It Off Your Chest

CROSSROADS ARABIA: French judges could be showing all of us the way forward in dealing with the petty frustrations of daily life

 Rob L. Wagner

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

The Laws to ‘Hit Hate’ Are There. Enforcement Please.

ROB L. WAGNER: In France they have laws to deal with hate speech but they’re applied inconsistently. In many ways France is a good example to other countries

 Jonathan Cook

The God Complex: The West’s Right to War in the Middle East

The God Complex: The West’s Right to War in the Middle East

Jonathan Cook: If the West succeeds in its proxy intervention in Syria and disables yet another Arab state for refusing to toe its line, the stage will be set for the next target: Iran.

 Common Ground News Service

Toulouse Tragedy to Bring France Together?

Toulouse Tragedy to Bring France Together?

CG NEWS: Hopefully what will be remembered, above all else, is that French people of all persuasions and all religions came together.

 James Mullan

News Analysis: Sarkozy and Obama’s Gaffe

News Analysis: Sarkozy and Obama’s Gaffe

NEWS ANALYSIS: As if life isn’t difficult enough for President Sarkozy now he has to contend with the consequences of a leaked ‘private’ conversation.

 Rob L. Wagner

Firebombed Newspaper Charlie Hebdo a Victim of its Own Making

Firebombed Newspaper Charlie Hebdo a Victim of its Own Making

ROB L. WAGNER: Charlie Hebdo’s editors abuse the privilege of being journalists. Their behavior strengthens the argument anti blasphemy laws are necessary


West’s 1% salivates over spoils of the Libyan 99%

West’s 1% salivates over spoils of the Libyan 99%

MONDOWEISS, MATTHEW TAYLOR: Whatever one thinks of The West’s role in this revolution, it should not have a free pass to engage in more oil imperialism.

 Abu Muhammed

The Veil: Protection from Sexual, Financial Exploitation

The Veil: Protection from Sexual, Financial Exploitation

ABU MUHAMMED: I was surprised that a country with 10 million Muslims managed to lay down for the old back door without too much fuss—particularly in France, the birthplace of democracy