Added on 11/11/2012
Mich Cafe
Dubai , Eid Al-Adha , Islam , Jesus Christ , UAE

MICH CAFE: I’d noticed that some women coming into the shop where I was working were carrying a new device. So I did a little investigating
Added on 30/09/2012
Africa , America , Assad , Barack Obama , BP , China , Congress , George W. Bush , Governor , Iran , Israel , Jesus Christ , Joe Biden , Kenya , Lincoln , Middle East , Mitt Romney , MSNBC , Obama , Palestinian Authority , President , Presidential debates , Romney , Sarah Palin , sitting president , Somalia , Syria , Todd Aiken , United Nations , United States , White House

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The format is stale, it’s all so controlled and choreographed that very little of substance will be revealed. So why bother?
Added on 21/01/2012
Richard Silverstein
Christian Zionist , Israel , Jesus Christ , Palestinian Territories , Republicans , South Carolina , U.S. Middle East

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: You’ll notice a number of things about this piece of pro-Israel brilliance: Palestine? Nowhere to be found. Two states? Ditto.
Added on 23/12/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Big Adventure , Christianity , Christians , Christmas , Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Expatriates , Food and Drink , Information Technology , Jeddah , Jesus Christ , Massachusetts , New Year's Day , Red Sea , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , United Kingdom , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: If you’re subtle you can enjoy a surprisingly festive Christmas in the Kingdom. Many Saudis also quietly acknowledge Christian friends’ celebration.
Added on 09/11/2011
Steve Royston
consumer products , Erdogan government , European Union , God , Istanbul , Jesus Christ , Journalist , Middle East , National Day , Orhan Pamuk , Ottoman Court , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Sofia , Turkey

STEVE ROYSTON: Spiritually, today’s Istanbulus are not so different from their Byzantine predecessors – they still delight in debate and intrigue.
Added on 11/05/2011
Al Qaeda , Alpha , bank robberies , Canada , Central Intelligence Agency , Clinton , European Union , Federal Bureau of Investigation , France , India , Internal Revenue Service , Ireland , Japan , Jesus Christ , Jewish Defense League , Ku Klux Klan , Kurdistan Workers’ Party , Media coverage , Pentagon , Philippines , President , Prime Minister , Puerto Rico , Spain , Summer Olympics , Terrorism , terrorist network , Timothy McVeigh , Turkey , U.S. government , United States , Vietnam

MUSTAFA OMAR: When it comes to the white-hot issue of terrorists who threaten American citizens perception, unfortunately, is very far from reality.
Added on 05/04/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Afghanistan , Islam , Jesus Christ , Pakistan , Terry Jones , United Nations , United States

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: ‘Incitement’ was the essence of Terry Jones’ actions in burning a copy of the Koran. With the death toll rising by the day he has achieved his objective.