
 Juan Cole

‘We Will Close Down Twitter’: Erdogan’s Attempt Fails

‘We Will Close Down Twitter’: Erdogan’s Attempt Fails

JUAN COLE: Let it be a warning to dictators around the world – a clumsy attempt to shut down Twitter in Turkey back-fires.

 Juan Cole

The End of the ‘Turkish Model’? Erdogan Loses It

The End of the ‘Turkish Model’? Erdogan Loses It

JUAN COLE: He has accomplished much but has been caught in a swirl of corruption allegations and is soundingly increasingly shrill

 James M. Dorsey

Brutality Back-Fires: Arab Spring’s Lesson for Erdogan

Brutality Back-Fires: Arab Spring’s Lesson for Erdogan

JAMES M. DORSEY: Once again battle-hardened football fans are taking the lead in confronting a regime. We’ve been here before.

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

'Confused’ may be an appropriate term to describe Turkey’s current foreign policy in the Middle East and Israel in particular. The source of that confusion - aside from the appalling violence in Syria and earlier in Libya – is Turkey’s own mistakes.

RAMZY BAROUD: Turkey’s attempt to re-position itself as a fulcrum between East and West has come unstuck…

 James M. Dorsey

Game On: Turkey Fights Gulf For Sports Hub Mantle

Game On: Turkey Fights Gulf For Sports Hub Mantle

JAMES DORSEY: A battle between Turkey and the states of the Arabian Gulf to be the de-facto sports hub of the Middle East is underway

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

RAMZY BAROUD: There are unmistakeable signs that the atmosphere between Turkey and Israel is becoming distinctly warmer

 Editor, MEP

Turks Fret Over Possible Syria Action

VIDEO: The Turkish parliament has responded to mortar fire from Syria by backing military action against its neighbour. But many Turks think this is a bad idea.

 Common Ground News Service

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

FAIK TUNAY, CGNEWS: Relations between Israel and Turkey have deteriorated over the past two years. There is one issue at its heart.


Harun Yahya: Abusing Islam To Spread Creationism

Harun Yahya: Abusing Islam To Spread Creationism

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The science of Charles Darwin is now coming under attack from charlatans who are interpreting Islam incorrectly

 James M. Dorsey

The Rise and Rise of Turkey: Problems Ahead?

The Rise and Rise of Turkey: Problems Ahead?

JAMES M. DORSEY: Held up as a model of a modern Islamic state Turkey faces some formidable difficulties

 Richard Silverstein

Press Freedom Sickly in Israel and Turkey

Press Freedom Sickly in Israel and Turkey

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Is Israel a haven for the free press? Hardly. It allows extensive use of gag orders to protect the state, the military, and the wealthy.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

What High Heels Say About Economic Cycles

What High Heels Say About Economic Cycles

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Usually, in an economic downturn heels go up as consumers turn to more flamboyant fashion as a means of escape…

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey Foreign Policy Falls Over Syrian ‘Abyss’

Turkey Foreign Policy Falls Over Syrian ‘Abyss’

RAMZY AL BAROUD: However, the Syrian uprising in March leading the country down the road to civil war – has forced Turkey to abandon its ‘zero-problems’ foreign policy.

 Steve Royston

Istanbul Postcard: Still Arguing After 18 Centuries

Istanbul Postcard: Still Arguing After 18 Centuries

STEVE ROYSTON: Spiritually, today’s Istanbulus are not so different from their Byzantine predecessors – they still delight in debate and intrigue.

 Rob L. Wagner

Unfazed: Israeli Boycott Little Noticed in Turkey

Unfazed: Israeli Boycott Little Noticed in Turkey

ROB L. WAGNER: Shopkeepers easily transition from Turkish to Russian, Polish and German. Yet Hebrew, once among the languages, is virtually non-existent.

 Ramzy Baroud

Is the ‘Turkish Model’ the one to follow in region?

Is the ‘Turkish Model’ the one to follow in region?

RAMZY BAROUD: It has endured some punishing attacks but the democratic experience in Turkey is presented as a model for the region to follow. How useful is it, however?