Common Ground News Service

‘Forgotten Impact of Islam’ Highlighted in Exhibitions

‘Forgotten Impact of Islam’ Highlighted in Exhibitions

LUCY CHUMBLEY, CGNEWS: Two exhibitions currently in Washington DC have had a transformative effect on millions of Muslims views of their heritage

 mai abdul rahman

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

‘This Hateful Movie Is Not Worth A Drop of Blood’

And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?

 Editor, MEP

Mobile Phones: Who Controls What?

VIDEO: Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds reports from Los Angeles on what it is about clever phones that gets so many people, so excited.

 Mich Cafe

Hollywood Stars Join Call to Free Syrian Filmmaker

Hollywood Stars Join Call to Free Syrian Filmmaker

MICH CAFE: Orwa Nyrabia has been missing for almost three weeks. Pressure is mounting to find out where he is though it’s being led from outside the Arab world.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Cooking For Peace’: Discovering Shared Values

DAVID AMITAI, CGNEWS: In the fevered environment that exists between Palestinians and Jews finding ways to encourage dialogue requires creativity.

 Rob L. Wagner

‘Beautiful Words’ Melt in Face of ‘the Muslim Threat’

‘Beautiful Words’ Melt in Face of ‘the Muslim Threat’

ROB L. WAGNER: U.S citizens are, it appears, willing to give up many of the freedoms enshrined in their Constitution when presented with a large enough threat.


Palestinian Lands Ad: Making a Big Impression

Palestinian Lands Ad: Making a Big Impression

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: After many years’ trying Henry Clifford has finally struck on a means of raising a furore about Palestine.

 Common Ground News Service

Is Laughter the Middle East’s ‘Best Medicine’?

Is Laughter the Middle East’s ‘Best Medicine’?

SADIA ASHRAF, CGNEWS: What impact have the group of Arab comedians who emerged post 9/11 really had?

 James M. Dorsey

Bad Timing For Dubai’s First Soccer Hedge Fund

Bad Timing For Dubai’s First Soccer Hedge Fund

JAMES M. DORSEY: A Dubai bank has launched the region’s first alternative soccer fund modelled on European funds – amid rising fan opposition.

 Sultan Al Qassemi

Politics: Emirati Students Abroad Show Way at Home

Politics: Emirati Students Abroad Show Way at Home

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: Qatar, he told me, has one of the most impressive constitutions, as well as the most impressive parliamentary building. “Too bad there’s no parliament to occupy it,” he said.

 Common Ground News Service

Hip Hop: The Music that Inspired the ‘Arab Spring’

Hip Hop: The Music that Inspired the ‘Arab Spring’

ROSE HACKMAN, CGNEWS: Arabic ‘hip-hop’ with a political twist has been the soundtrack of the revolutions over the past eight months

 Steve Royston

Reasons For, and Against, Working in the MidEast

Reasons For, and Against, Working in the MidEast

STEVE ROYSTON: One year ago I wrote the 10 good reasons to work in the Middle East. I would not change one of them. I have, however, added 10 reasons you may not want to.


Libya: Memories of ‘the Summer of Pain’ Return

Libya: Memories of ‘the Summer of Pain’ Return

TASBEEH HERWEES, SUHAIBWEBB: The memories of that summer come rushing back. It was, after all, the Abu Salim families who kick-started this revolution.


Online Dating: A Muslim Guide on How to Be Safe

Online Dating: A Muslim Guide on How to Be Safe

MUNIRA LEKOVIC EZZELDINE, SUHAIBWEBB: With Muslims turning to online dating sites what are the pros and cons of establishing a relationship via the Web.

 Michael J. Totten

Libya: People are People, Even When World’s Apart

Libya: People are People, Even When World’s Apart

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Two years ago I spent time in Libya. It seems like a good time to revisit my experience of a kind people but an overarching, clamping presence.


Should U.S. citizens fear Islam? – Senator

Should U.S. citizens fear Islam? – Senator

No serious journalist would ask a random black guy with a briefcase on the street to explain the pathology of an African American criminal because of the coincidence of shared skin colour…

 Alexander McNabb

Wedding Night: A tale by Deaf Brown Trash Punk

Wedding Night: A tale by Deaf Brown Trash Punk

I wanted to bring Sabina, writer and short film maker, onto the radio show I co-host but there’s a slight glitch – being deaf is a slight impediment…