Added on 09/10/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Arqaam Capital , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Banking , Bloomberg , California , Dubai , Economy , Florida , HSBC , Malaysia , Michigan , New York , Oman , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Texas , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States

ROB L. WAGNER: HSBC’s decision to downgrade significantly the resources it devotes to Islamic banking has thrown the issue into sharp focus.
Added on 20/09/2012
Common Ground News Service
American University , American University in Washington , DC , Egypt , Islam , Malaysia , Washington , Women , Women's issues

SHEHERAZADE JAFARI, CGNEWS: The idea of Muslim women awaiting rescue from their oppressive lives by an injection of Western liberal values is far from reality.
Added on 19/09/2012
Alexander McNabb
Egypt , Google+ , India , Indonesia , Innocence of Muslims , Islam , Libya , Malaysia , Telecommunications , Telecommunications Regulatory Authority , UAE , United Arab Emirates , YouTube
ALEXANDER MCNABB: Internet users in the UAE will not be able to see ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ and see for themselves what a foul work it is.
Added on 15/09/2012
mai abdul rahman
Afghanistan , Cairo , Chris Stevens , Egypt , Hillary Clinton , India , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Los Angeles , Malaysia , Mauritania , messenger , Morocco , Palestinian Territories , Sam Bacile , Secretary of State , Sudan , Terry Jones , Tunisia , United States , US embassy in Cairo , Yemen , YouTube

And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: And so the violence associated with a vile, hate filled movie escalates. Why can we not fight hate with wisdom and rationality?
Added on 09/09/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Asia , British government , Bush , Central Intelligence Agency , Colonel , Food and Drink , Gaddafi , Guantanamo Bay , Human Rights Watch , Iraq , Libya , Malaysia , Mali , Middle East , Morocco , Security services , Tripoli , United Kingdom , United States

ALICE ROSS, INFORMED COMMENT: A new report from Human Rights Watch reveals the true extent of Libya’s involvement as a CIA facilitator
Added on 07/07/2012
The View From Fez
California , Carrefour , Coca cola , Coke , Europe , Indonesia , Malaysia , Ministry of Agriculture , Ministry of Health , Morocco , Pepsi , Saudi Arabia , Turkey , United States

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: In spite of the cool words issued by cola manufacturers there is still great concern across the Muslim world regarding ingredients.
Added on 23/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Amr Moussa , Anwar Sadat , Arab League , Brookings Institution , DC , Economy , Egypt , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Iran , Lucy Chumbley , Malaysia , Maryland , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , Turkey , University of Maryland , Washington

LUCY CHUMBLEY, CGNEWS: The role of religion in society is important for Egyptians but not as important as a strong economy.
Added on 22/05/2012
Steve Royston
Albania , Bahrain , Bulgaria , Constantine , Europe , European Union , Germany , Greece , Italy , Japan , Jordan , Malaysia , Romania , Serbia , Spain , Thames , United Kingdom

STEVE ROYSTON: There was a bit of commotion about the King of Bahrain’s attendance at a recent lunch in the UK. I was struck by another issue
Added on 12/05/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Australia , British Museum , France , Front National , Indonesia , Islam , Israel , Literature , London , Malaysia , New York , Paris , Public Relations , Saadiyat Island , Saudi Arabia , the Louvre

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: While arts from the Muslim world are widely celebrated in the West, they are less appreciated within umma.
Added on 04/05/2012
James M. Dorsey
2022 World Cup , Bahrain , Carnegie Mellon University , Carnegie Mellon University’s campus , Doha , East Africa , Emir , FIFA , Fifa World Cup , Formula 1 , Gulf Cooperation Council , Hassan al Thawadi , International Labor Organization , International Trade Union Confederation , Kuwait , Labor , labor minister , Malaysia , Middle East , North Africa , Oman , Prime Minister , Qatar , Qatar 2022 , Qatar 2022 recruitment , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Sharan Burrow , Supreme Committee , Trade Unions , United Arab Emirates

JAMES DORSEY: According to the ITUC “workers are dying in Qatar as they build World Cup stadiums, suffering large scale exploitation every day.
Added on 25/02/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Abdullah , blasphemy , counsel , Crown Prince , Facebook , Hamza Kashgari , Jeddah , Journalist , Malaysia , Nayef , New Zealand , Poet , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , The Arab News , Turkey , Twitter , UN Court

ROB L. WAGNER: His religious comments were ill-chosen but they are not the only reason that he is in serious trouble.
Added on 24/02/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Airbus , America , Asia , Australia , BBC , Brunei , CEO , China , Deng Xiaoping , Department of Defense , Europe , Hawaii , Hilary Clinton , Leon Panetta , Malaysia , Natural gas , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil , Philippines , President , Reuters , Robert Gates , Secretary of State , South China , South China Sea , United States , Vietnam

RAMZY BAROUD: Leaders of adjacent countries might find themselves forced to choose sides in a conflict over resources and military presence.
Added on 12/02/2012
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Birmingham , Brunei , Carrefour , Food and Drink , France , Indonesia , Malaysia , Oil , Philippines , Singapore , United Kingdom

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The race is on to establish powerful international ‘halal brands’. The stakes are high: by some estimates $500bn a year.
Added on 13/01/2012
Abu Muhammed
America , Central Intelligence Agency , Education , Egypt , Eisenhower , Iran , Japan , Malaysia , Minister of Education , Ministry of Labor , Oil wealth , Richard Nixon , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Tunisia , United States

ABU MUHAMMED: The only thing stopping Saudi from becoming a superpower is Saudi. A nation cannot truly be great until it can educate its own.
Added on 11/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Al Ahram , Amina Wadud , East Africa , Editor-in-Chief , Egypt , Feminism , Islam , Malaysia , Middle East , non-profit , North Africa , The American Muslim , Women , Women's issues

FATEMEH FAKHRAIE, CGNEWS: I see no contradiction in being both a Muslim and a feminist. Unfortunately, many other people do…
Added on 07/10/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Abu Dhabi , Bloomberg , Dubai , Europe , Fashion , First Lady , Indonesia , Jakarta , London , London College of Fashion , Malaysia , New York , North America , Paris , Singapore , The Washington Post , United Kingdom , Washington

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Bloomberg has estimated the global Muslim fashion market could be worth $96bn. For comparisons, the entire UK fashion industry is valued at £21bn.
Added on 22/08/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Education , Finland , Law , Malaysia , Ministry of Higher Education , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Gazette , Saudi government , Shoura , United States

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It’s not just Saudi, the US has certainly pushed the idea that without a university degree one is starting out as a failure.
Added on 09/07/2011
mai abdul rahman
Harvard University , Malaysia , Middle East , North Africa , Obedient Wives Club , President , Ronald Reagan , Salwa Al Mutairi , Saudi Arabia , United States , World Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: A dangerous liaison is taking place in the Arab world with Muslim clerics advancing outlandish religious views using the voice of Muslim conservative women.
Added on 02/06/2011
Facebook , Iraq , Malaysia , Palestinian Territories , UAE , United Arab Emirates

THE HEDONISTA: It’s a simple, humble dish beloved of hundreds of millions of people. So how can you judge something about which you know very little?
Added on 04/05/2011
American Bedu
Afghanistan , Africa , Algeria , America , Arabian Peninsula , Azerbaijan , Bahrain , Balkans , Bangladesh , Brunei , Central Asia , Egypt , Germany , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Jordan , Kenya , Kerala , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Malaysia , Maldives , messenger , Middle East , Morocco , Muslim , Nigeria , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tanzania , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Yemen

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a topic that seems, more often than not, to generate more heat than light but here’s my attempt to define a Muslim.