Naseem Tarawnah

Jordan: Where Wounds Get Deeper and Deeper

Jordan: Where Wounds Get Deeper and Deeper

NASEEM TARAWNAH: The recent protests in Jordan appear to have attracted attention only because of the number of journalists who were attacked. It offers, however, more evidence of a deeply divided nation.

 James M. Dorsey

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

JAMES M. DORSEY: The AL’s newly appointed secretary general, denounced the Obama administration for declaring the Syrian leader had lost legitimacy.

 Crossroads Arabia

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Syrian soap operas have eclipsed Egyptian productions in popularity across the Arab world.

 James M. Dorsey

Arab Silence, West’s Symbolism, to Backfire in Syria

Arab Silence, West’s Symbolism, to Backfire in Syria

JAMES M. DORSEY: Western and Arab nations have more to gain from real engagement with Mr. Assad’s opponents than from symbolic gestures and silence.

 David Roberts

Kuwait Reaps the Sectarian Gulf Whirlwind

Kuwait Reaps the Sectarian Gulf Whirlwind

DAVID ROBERTS: Kuwait’s Parliament is undergoing another crisis. What are the key issues which so frequently flare-up and cause such anguish?

 David Roberts

Lesbian Syrian Bloggers & (Incorrect) Assumptions of Truth

Lesbian Syrian Bloggers & (Incorrect) Assumptions of Truth

DAVID ROBERTS: While blogging is good and all, it doen’t come remotely close to the rigour of a good newspaper…


‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

LEONAR NIMOY, TABSIR: There is a viable plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s the ‘two-state’ solution and its application is, how should I put it, simply logical.


White House Web Page on Israel: The Lobby will be Delighted

White House Web Page on Israel: The Lobby will be Delighted

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Whoever put together the new White House web page on Israel clearly didn’t pay much attention to the recent speech by President Obama on the Middle East. It’s a ‘lobby triumph’.


Threats to the ‘Arab Spring’ Growing by the Day

Threats to the ‘Arab Spring’ Growing by the Day

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Where there was once optimism of fundamental change taking hold as a spirit of freedom swept the region, there is now growing pessimism.

 Michael J. Totten

Assad: Now We Know Exactly Who We’re Dealing With

Assad: Now We Know Exactly Who We’re Dealing With

MICHAEL TOTTEN: There have, according to Bashar Assad, been some ‘mistakes’. The only real mistake by Western powers however is to believe what the President tells them.

 The Moor Next Door

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: There was little new in Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ speech. Nervous light criticism of Bahrain, no reference to Gulf allies and a minor poke of Israel.

 Steve Royston

Bahrain: The Curious Case of the Iranian Flotilla

Bahrain: The Curious Case of the Iranian Flotilla

STEVE ROYSTON: So our nerves are rattled by reports of death squads, and soothed the next day by the news that in fact they ain’t going anyway, and that in any event there were no suicide bombers on the boat.


The Nakba Revolution: The People Want to Return Home

I do not remember that the anniversary of Nakba was as hot and as intense as today seriously. The people want the right of the return, the people want to return back to Palestine.   The big surprise of the day comes from Golan heights , yes the Golan heights specifically Majdal Shams where a […]


An Inconvenient Truth: Ehud Barak Off Message

An Inconvenient Truth: Ehud Barak Off Message

MONDOWEISS: If Iran ever acquired nuclear weapons would it launch an attack on Israel? “Not on us and not on any neighbor.” The speaker? Ehud Barak…

 Omar al-Issawi

People of the Book: Damning the Exodus of Christians

People of the Book: Damning the Exodus of Christians

OMAR AL ISSAWI: The latest round of sectarian strife in Egypt is not about sectarian confrontation. It is about ignorance.

 Sultan Al Qassemi

GCC: Muslim Brotherhood Fears Over Arab Spring

GCC: Muslim Brotherhood Fears Over Arab Spring

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: UAE national observers commented in private that many names on the UAE petition calling for an elected parliament were UAE members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

 David Roberts

Qatar to Sell Gas to Israel ‘Below Cost Price’?

Qatar to Sell Gas to Israel ‘Below Cost Price’?

DAVID ROBERTS: Why does Qatar seemingly so often seek Israeli support, particularly when it, at the very least, causes friction within the GCC and with Qatar and Iran?

 Jonathan Cook

Egypt’s Direction Unnerves Israel and the U.S.

Egypt’s Direction Unnerves Israel and the U.S.

JONATHAN COOK: The political sands are shifting a little too quickly in the Middle East for Israel and the United States. Will they be able to keep up?

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.

 American Bedu

How do you Accurately Define a Muslim?

How do you Accurately Define a Muslim?

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a topic that seems, more often than not, to generate more heat than light but here’s my attempt to define a Muslim.

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