Added on 09/08/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Afghanistan , American Enterprise Institute , Beirut , Central Intelligence Agency , CNN , Congress , Conservatives , Egypt , Eric Edelman , Hizballah , Ileana Ros-Lehtinen , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , LA Times , Libya , Matt Duss , Middle East , Obama administration , Saddam Hussein , Syria , The National Interest , Tunisia , United States , Washington , Washington Institute , Washington Institute for Near East Policy , Washington Post , Yemen

RAMZY BAROUD: After a short respite, neoconservatives are back with their bizarre maps, bleak visions, and a fail-proof recipe for perpetual conflict.
Added on 20/06/2012
Rob L. Wagner
ABC News , Afghanistan , America , Bashar al-Assad , Bush , Bush Administration , Egypt , Eric Edelman , Hamas , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , John Bolton , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Obama , Online media , Palestinian Territories , President , Republican Party , Syria , United Nations , United States , US government , Walid Phares , Washington Post , Washington Times , White House

ROB L. WAGNER: If Mitt Romney wins the U.S. presidential election it looks like we’ll be taking a trip back in time to the reign of George W. Bush.
Added on 25/02/2012
Barak , Bibi , Iran , Israel , Jeffrey Goldberg , Joel Greenberg , Larry Derfner , Meir Dagan , Mossad , Netanyahu , Obama administration , Paranoia , Ron Paul , US Federal Reserve , Washington Post

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: When the former Mossad chief stands alone in opposition to war the position looks inevitable.
Added on 19/06/2011
Naseem Tarawnah
Abdullah , Abdullah II , Democracy , Eastern Europe , Egypt , Jordan , Muslim Brotherhood , parliamentary systems , Serbia , Washington Post

NASEEM TARAWNAH: There seems to be a desire to ‘craft’ an acceptable democratic transition in Jordan. The lesson of history is that democratic transition tends to be a little ‘messy’.
Added on 05/05/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Ahmet Davutoglu , Ali Akbar Salehi , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Camp David , Congress , Damascus , Egypt , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jennifer Rubin , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Media coverage , Middle East , Nabil al-Arabi , Obama administration , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , Prime Minister , Tel Aviv , The New York Times , Turkey , United States , unnamed official , Washington , Washington Post , West Bank

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.
Added on 28/04/2011
Ramzy Baroud
America , American Enterprise Institute , Baghdad , Benghazi , CNN , Hillary Clinton , Iraq , Joe Biden , John McCain , Libya , Mike Mullen , Moammar Ghaddafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , President , Reuters , Saddam Hussein , Secretary of State , Syria , Transitional National Council , United States , Washington , Washington Post

RAMZY BAROUD: There is a lot of discussion and political calculation bouncing around the corridors of power in Washington about Libya.
Added on 12/12/2010
Naseem Tarawnah
Football riots , Jordan , Palestinians , Washington Post

NASEEM TARAWNAH: As a people, we need to find ways of putting aside the rage and the blame. History has shown us little good ever comes from either.