Added on 14/07/2012
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abu Dhabi , America , Arab Spring , Bahrain , Doha , Egypt , Faisal , Gulf Cooperation Council , Gulf Union , Iran , Iranian parliament , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Jordan , Kuwait , Manama , Morocco , oil facilities , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Spy , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States

DAVID ROBERTS: The Saudi authorities have been actively promoting a union of Gulf states but with little success. There’s a clear reason why.
Added on 28/03/2012
Common Ground News Service
Ariel Katz , Army , Captain , Cornell University , Cornell University in New York , Egypt , Eilat , Iran , Israel , Mediterranean Sea , Palestine , Spy , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Kingdom

ARIEL KATZ, CGNEWS: In the Middle East we’re used to drawing firm conclusions from appearances. Ask a question, however, and….
Added on 22/12/2011
Syria News Wire
Army , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Electronic Frontier Foundation , European Union , Facebook , Internet cafés , Internet users , Jillian York , Journalist , Mainstream media , Mobile Phones , President , satellite dishes , Singer , Skype , Social Media , Spy , Syria , Syrian Computer Society , Syrian government , Twitter , United States , Yahoo! , YouTube

NEWS FROM SYRIA: At first the authorities in Syria were caught unawares at how ‘new technology’ was used against them. But they caught on quickly.
Added on 09/07/2011
David Roberts
Abu Dhabi , Bahrain , Crown Prince , Democracy , Emir , Foreign Affairs , Gulf News , Iran , Kuwait , Kuwait’s Parliament , Minister of the Interior , MP , Prime Minister , Reuters , Sabah Al Sabah , Saudi Arabia , Shiaa , Spy , Tehran

DAVID ROBERTS: Kuwait’s Parliament is undergoing another crisis. What are the key issues which so frequently flare-up and cause such anguish?
Added on 17/04/2011
Mishaal Al Gergawi
Censorship , Dubai , Foreign media , Gulf News , Kuwait , Local media , Mishaal Al Gergawi , MSNBC , Official spokesperson , Omani government , PR , Public Relations , Social Media , Spy , United Arab Emirates

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: Most government media arms have dug their boots in. That their positions may be correct is irrelevant. After all, how strong is a position that isn’t communicated?
Added on 11/04/2011
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abdullah II , Bahrain , Bahrain’s government , Doha , gas field , Gulf Co-operation Council , Gulf News , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Jordan , Josh Rogin , Kuwait , Kuwait Times , League of Nations , Levant , Muscat , oil fields , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Shia , Spy , Tehran , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom

DAVID ROBERTS: These events take place in the context of growing Shia power, encapsulated by the notion of a Shia crescent ‘enveloping’ the region…
Added on 11/02/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Algeria , Central Intelligence Agency , CNN , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Facebook , Food and Drink , Greg Miller , Iraq , Israel , Middle East , Mossad , Mubarak , Obama , President , Spy , The Times , The Washington Post , Tunisia , United States , Uri Avnery

RAMZY BAROUD: The word ‘revolution’ is overused in the Arab world. What’s happening today in Egypt is rather more deserving.
Added on 06/02/2011
Rania Al Malky
Ahmed Shafiq , Al Hurra , Cairo , Censorship , Daily News Egypt , Egypt , Hamas , Hisham Mubarak Law Center , Iran , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , President , Prime Minister , Rania Al Malky , Rubber bullets , Spy , State media , Tahrir Square

RANIA AL MALKY: You can’t fool all the people all the time. The hawks of Egypt’s current regime should have learned this lesson over the past 11 days.