The Fear Business: It’s Thriving in Jordan
NASEEM TARAWNAH: Look east, look north, look south, look west – everywhere around Jordan spells trouble with a capital ‘T’.
Fatherhood: The Ultimate Cure for Writer’s Block
NASEEM TARAWNAH: There seemed no point in committing my thoughts, views, opinions feelings to print until now.
Melancholy Meets Impotence: Being An Arab In the Middle East
NASEEM TARAWNAH: It’s curious watching while other countries decide what to do with the place where you live.
Silicon Valley in Jordan? No Chance Due to Regulation
NASEEM TARAWNAH: The Jordanian government see the ICT industry as a well of money which it can bleed dry. Time for a change of thinking
‘Band-Aid on A Bullet Wound’: Jordan ‘Campus Violence’ Plan
NASEEM TARAWNAH: The current upswing in violence on university campuses throughout Jordan has prompted the authorities to produce a plan.
The King Speaks Frankly. Maybe a Little Too Frankly
NASEEM TARAWNAH: King Abdullah’s recent interview has unleashed a storm of comment. What exactly was he trying to say?
‘Stuck’ and ‘Knotted’: Where Jordan Is Today
NASEEM TARAWNAH: There is a sense of crisis in Jordan but it’s a sense that has led to paralysis in all sectors of society. So what does 2013 hold?
How To Be A Real Middle East Entrepreneur
NASEEM TARAWNAH: It’s not about spinning logos, Facebook likes or fancy events – real entrepreneurship is about engagement.
Security: The Big, Fat ‘Red Line’ for Jordan
NASEEM TARAWNAH: Jordan’s precarious position both geographically and politically means that security will always be a vital issue. But this concern stymies debate.
Jordan’s Internet U-Turn: Where’s the Vision Now?
NASEEM TARAWNAH: Once upon a time, the Jordanian government thought censoring the Internet was a bad thing, arguing the best regulators were users themselves.
New Regulation: Goodbye Free Speech in Jordan
NASEEM TARAWNAH: Internet censorship is coming soon to Jordan and coming in a big way. What can any of us do?
Jordan Law: ‘Carrot and Stick’ For Donkeys Not People
NASEEM TARAWNAH: It’s clear that the absence of proper rule of law in Jordan is having a de-stabilising effect as evidenced by recent troubles
Jordanian Parliament: The End Should Be Nigh
NASEEM TARAWNAH: Enough. Enough pointless tirades, enough buffoonery, enough tax payers money thrown at it. Time to dissolve the Parliament
Silence: What’s Really Killing Jordanian Women?
NASEEM TARAWNAH: What is going on with young male Jordanians? When did this level of brutality come about? Has it always been there?
Dead Sea v Jordanian Parliament: Spot the Difference
NASEEM TARAWNAH: We’re now in a scenario that’s beyond farce. It could be time to dissolve the Parliament
Pot, Kettle, Black: Jordanian MPs Call Out Media
NASEEM TARAWNAH: When I saw the accusations I felt like my head was imploding.
Who Am I ‘With’, Who Am I ‘Against’?
NASEEM TARAWNAH: The 7th anniversary of my blog, Black Iris, is a time for reflection on the turbulent past year and to ask, where exactly are we now?
Army: Making Jordan’s Mass Employer Pay
NASEEM TARAWNAH: With 100,000 active personnel, nearly 65,000 in reserve , and household sizes of 5.4 that’s 891,000 people linked to the army’s payroll.
“Harming The King’s Dignity”: Is it Right That 18 Year Old Goes To Jail?
NASEEM TARAWNAH: A young man who burned a picture of the King has been sentenced to two years in jail by a military tribunal. Is that justice?