Matt J. Duffy

On Press Freedom: Jordan’s ‘Misalignment’

On Press Freedom: Jordan’s ‘Misalignment’

Any Arab country serious about supporting a free and independent press must first revise its laws to give journalists the freedom to report news without fear…


Laughter and Anger: In the Court of Al Aswany

Laughter and Anger: In the Court of Al Aswany

M. LYNX-QUALEY: He is arguably Egypt’s leading public intellectual and every week he holds public salons whose numbers have swelled hugely over the past year.

 David Roberts

Kuwait Reaps the Sectarian Gulf Whirlwind

Kuwait Reaps the Sectarian Gulf Whirlwind

DAVID ROBERTS: Kuwait’s Parliament is undergoing another crisis. What are the key issues which so frequently flare-up and cause such anguish?