Added on 15/09/2012
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Central Asia , China , East Asia , Facebook , James Stavridis , Middle East , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Social Media , Social networking , Taliban , United States

TBIJ: As the fight against terrorism moves from the real battlefield to the cyber battlefield a whole new array of issues are going to have to be managed.
Added on 23/07/2012
Crossroads Arabia
Abu Bakr , Actor , Al-Hayat , Central Asia , Iran , Islam , Libya , Ramadan , Saudi Arabia , Umar Ibn al-Khattab

CROSSROADS ARABIA: A row has broken out among various religious figures as to whether it’s permissible to portray Islamic figures in film.
Added on 07/02/2012
James M. Dorsey
Afghanistan , Africa , Al Qaeda , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Arab League , Atlantic coast , Beijing , Benghazi , Central Asia , China , Damascus , Djibouti , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , International Criminal Court , Libya , Middle East , Muammar Qaddafi , North Africa , Pakistan , President , Russia , Security Council , Sinai desert , Social Media , Somalia , Sudan , Syria , the Hague , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: China’s veto of the U.N’s resolution condemning Syria is a watershed moment for its involvement in the Middle East.
Added on 04/05/2011
American Bedu
Afghanistan , Africa , Algeria , America , Arabian Peninsula , Azerbaijan , Bahrain , Balkans , Bangladesh , Brunei , Central Asia , Egypt , Germany , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Jordan , Kenya , Kerala , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Malaysia , Maldives , messenger , Middle East , Morocco , Muslim , Nigeria , Pakistan , Palestinian Territories , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tanzania , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Yemen

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a topic that seems, more often than not, to generate more heat than light but here’s my attempt to define a Muslim.
Added on 23/03/2011
Afghanistan , Africa , Al Qaeda , Amr Moussa , Arab League , Bahrain , Central Asia , Europe , Food and Drink , Gaza , humanitarian law , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Libyan government , Middle East , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Persian Gulf , Tripoli , United States , Washington , Yemen

ISSA KHALAF, MONDOWEISS: The price of military intervention always comes at a higher price than initially anticipated. Can the United States afford to intervene in Libya?