Added on 21/10/2011
Juan Cole
Abu Salim prison , Arab League , Baghdad , Beirut , Brazil , congressman , Egypt , Food and Drink , International Criminal Court , Jim Jones , Jonestown , Liberia , Libya , Mediterranean , Myanmar , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil production , Oil states , Poland , President , Qaddafi , Scotland , Security Council , Sierra Leone , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia

JUAN COLE: The demise of Qaddafi means there’s a contiguous bloc of 100 million Arabs who’ve thrown off dictatorship. The violent end was inevitable.
Added on 06/09/2011
The Moor Next Door
Africa , African Union , Algeria , Algerian government , Arab League , China , Europe , Libya , Libyan government , Morocco , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Qaddafi , Russia , Sahara , South Africa , The Maghreb , United States , Western Sahara

TMND: It’s becoming clearer by the day that Algeria played a key role in supporting the Qadhafi regime, particularly in its dark, late days. The Algerians face some very uncomfortable questions
Added on 17/06/2011
James M. Dorsey
Afghanistan , Arab League , Barack Obama , Bashar al-Assad , China , Colonel , East Africa , Libya , Middle East , North Africa , President , Qaddafi , Russia , Syria , Turkey , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , US House of Representatives

JAMES M. DORSEY: Syria’s increasingly brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters begs the question: when does inaction morph into complicity?
Added on 30/05/2011
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Ali Abdullah Saleh , America , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Bin Laden , Bush Administration , Egypt , Europe , India , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Middle East , Mubarak , Nobel committee , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Oil wealth , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Qaddafi , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Taliban , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , Vietnam , Yemen

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Where there was once optimism of fundamental change taking hold as a spirit of freedom swept the region, there is now growing pessimism.
Added on 02/04/2011
communication technology , Der Spiegel , EUR , European Union , Germany , Italy , Libya , Middle East , Moammar Gadhafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Qaddafi , United States

TABSIR: As missiles and bullets rain down from the skies of Libya they are falling on materiel provided by the countries whose pilots are enforcing the ‘no fly zone’. As ever, it’s a win-win for the arms dealers.
Added on 17/03/2011
activist and journalist , Army , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Egypt , Foreign media , Hafez Al Assad , Israel , Libya , Ministry of Interior , Mobile Phones , Qaddafi , Syria , Tunisia , Twitter , Yemen

ZEINOBIA: Writer Belal Fadl was right when he said yesterday that no one can appreciate how brave those who participated in the protests are, save those who know Syria.
Added on 08/03/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Africa , Al Qaeda , America , Amman , Barack Obama , Benghazi , Colonel , Congress , Egypt , Europe , France , journalist and political commentator , Libya , Muammar Qaddafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Osama Al Sharif , Paris , President , Qaddafi , Qaddafi’s air force , Tripoli , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United States

OSAMA AL SHARIF: The Libyan revolution could easily slip into a prolonged civil war – the worst outcome for all. Lawlessness, Humanitarian crisis…